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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. IGP= Integrated Graphics Processor... no Discrete Graphics allowed for Gigabyte Competition!!
  2. removed from the Gigabyte contest, for this one you have to OC the build in graphics of your procesor
  3. removed from the Gigabyte contest, for this one you have to OC the build in graphics of your procesor
  4. Well Ozzie , if everybody would just press benchmark, without any software or bclock changes to trick things, the BOT would never be in the state it currently is, especially regarding rules, limitations,.... and the usual drama involved Benchmarks are similar as hardware, you can't warrant 100% compatibility and for certain not exclude user interaction... sometimes you have to revise points or remove because the users find flaws in it ( intentionally or unintentionally) As mentioned in previous threads the Bot can never win. Before granting points there is always a month or so test period, but nobody cares about the benchmark at that point so they run it as foreseen, once we enable points people start messing about to find better efficiency and such... For GPUPI3.3 revision, it is a new benchmark and can't influence any current ranking based on a similar looking benchmark. The workgroup will decide on the benchmark we will run on it and eventual point distribution for the future. I removed some of the non parental advisory comments... keep it civilized plz, old people don't like youngsters quarreling all the time
  5. Mailed Gigabyte the winners and lucky draw guys, thank you for the support all
  6. Winners are top 3 (you got your mail :p) , nothing changes on the E-sports ranking, for the lucky draw winners, one Russian guy still hasn't replied, once I get hold of him it will be finailized.... He has till Wednesday to reply, otherwise the system will draw another lucky draw winner
  7. Matt will be back end of next week of a biss trip, meanwhile I want to make a select group of people of e.g. teamcaptains (as we have noticed making a poll never worked in the future) to talk about points and benchmark your users want. Only topic which is not debatable is that 3.3 scores will be mixed with prevvious scores. We also have two cinebenches, why not two GPUPIs?
  8. At least people will still benefit from their hard work done in the past, which is completely eradicated by this new version... Stuff has been handled wrongly in the past, this time it might be my time to make the mistake, yet carry full repsonsability. Version 3.2 will still be used for 100M and 1B for CPU / 32B for GPU. Nothing more and nothing less!
  9. I already talked to Matt today and this version will probably be called GPUPi4 and we will have to decide on other benchmarks for it. Let it be clear that I will not let this benchmark version interfere with scores of previous versions, not on my watch. Whatever happened in the past does not interest me at al. After some testing and debating I decided that these boosted algorythm scores will not be included in any current GPUPI ranking. Hate me for it, I don't care. The created stir just proves again that people just prefer easy points and not a challenge. @bigblock990You can bench whatever version you like, but till now only 3.2 or below will give you globals and hardware points. 3.3 will only give you pleasure and nothing in return at the Bot, untill a new benchmark is introduced.
  10. Both, I quickly tested 3.2 versus the new one, sorry this is a no go
  11. Scores removed... I will not accept this new version versus the old ones
  12. There is no comparison, the designer changed the algorythms, this is a new benchmark to me. No scores will be accepted on this version!!
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