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Everything posted by alexmaj467

  1. Today is 30 years He died in a car accident Viktor Tsoi. We will always cherish the memory of him in our hearts. ЦОЙ ЖИВ.
  2. Мне готовится в статью вносить изменения ?
  3. web.archive.org - www13.plala.or.jp/setfsb
  4. Sorry for the Google translator. There is a suggestion that the division of career and annual rating has been going on for several years. Make at the end of each year on December 31, saving neither the first 100 users in each League, the first 100 teams and also countries. This will be convenient for the story. Maybe some script will do this once a year, and save it to a special page where you can go and see who was the most productive in 2020, and so on.
  5. This material is in oftop, because first it is in Russian, and the second there is a brief description of the commands ex USSR. In principle there is already a topic here on the forum specifically for competition in the world for overclocking. The work is not finished yet while collecting information on the competitions of 2007-2011. I will continue to collect 2012 - 2016 and so on. And all add to the topic on the forum, and the name of the topic to correct. All additions about competitions on overclocking by year, I will add in that topic about competitions. And the article will be added gradually. Sorry for my Google translator chat.
  6. My article. Unfortunately, this is in Russian. You can try Google Translate. Go to the article by clicking on the image. But even without translation, you will see a lot of old screenshots.
  7. Sorry for my English this is a Google translator. I decided to find out the history of all competitions both world and regional. I may miss something, so if you want to tell me what I missed and I'll add it. My article, but in Russian when you click on the image. Below is the text without a description. 2002 год. 决战升技之巅--中外DIY现场群英会 The top of the Battle of abit -- Chinese and foreign DIY 全球硬件老大Tom来华玩脑 - (копир.) 1月18日晚 同济大学 决战升技之巅 - (копир.) Томас Пабст и г-н Вэн Цзыцин заместитель генерального директора Abit Computers (Гонконг) Co., Ltd. Фото из веб архива сайта abit TOM:现身来到升技上海分公司 (копир.) “决战升技之巅—中外DIY现场群英会”报道之二 “决战升技之巅”——硬件老大TOM神州行 (копир.) DIY有真假?且听全球电脑玩家老大TOM怎么说 (копир.) Tom展示超频系统 tech.sina.com.cn Tom's Hardware Guide-легенда о хирурге m.mydrivers.com "Sveriges snabbaste PC år 2002"! NordicHardware, а также Chip-con, Overclockers.se, Protran Data и Madonion. Sveriges Snabbaste PC år 2002 nordichardware.se Анонс не из веб архива - nordichardware.se SSPC2002 nordichardware.se Information om SM - bakgrundsinformation, frågor och svar preliminära tävlingsresultaten Jimmie Knutas aka Stinger и Markus Ålind aka QazTaz Intervju med vinnarna i SMPC2002 nordichardware.se 升技“四大天王” - Abit Cup " Four Kings” - Abit Cup "4 короля" 升技DIY四大天王争霸赛西安赛区比赛见闻 “找的就是你——中国真DIY四大天王争霸赛”鸣锣在即 千名DIY争做升技“四大天王” 升技“四大天王 ” 你准备好了吗? Правила на abit.com.cn 升技“真DIY四大天王”争霸赛强手胜出 我叫施澄秋,南京 薛骏,上海人 今天出场的则是广东中山的“玩家杀手”杨宁 北京的“晶片神侠”李智伟 升技“真DIY四大天王”赛场电脑配置揭密 2003 год 升技“四大天王” - Abit Cup " Four King of Gangster ” - Abit Cup "4 короля" 升技、英特尔重奖寻找DIY四大天王 博士、硕士的DIY之旅——第二届中国DIY四大天王争霸赛决赛选手介绍之二 DIY英雄出少年——第二届中国DIY四大天王争霸赛决赛选手介绍之三 第二届中国DIY四大天王争霸赛决赛选手介绍之一 第二届中国DIY四大天王争霸赛决赛选手介绍之五 成都DIY双雄京城叫板——第二届中国DIY四大天王争霸赛决赛选手介绍之四 央视聚焦DIY高手京城比武——“第二届中国DIY四大天王争霸赛”决赛 第二届升技DIY四大天王争霸赛现场纪实 第二届中国DIY四大天王争霸赛选手介绍之五 2003年度升技四大天王装机争霸赛尘埃落定 Deutsche Overclocking Meisterschaft (DOCM 2003) “Tom´s Hardware Guide“, “PC Games Hardware“, “Hardtecs4U“, "Kaltmacher.de", “PCTweaks“ und “MHzPower“ Erste Overclocking Meisterschaft startet in Hannover heise.de Сайт где все эти турниры указаны и их результаты, правила и так далее. docm.org Deutsche Overclocking Meisterschaft rio71.de Bericht von Hardware-Tweaker hardware-tweaker.de Bericht von Tweakers4u tweakers4u.de - Seite 1 --- Seite 2 --- Seite 3 --- Seite 4 --- Seite 5 - DOCM,就是德文Deutsche Overclocking Meisterschaft的缩写 - mhzpower Need for Speed: 1. Deutsche Overclocking-Meisterschaft in Hannover - tomshardware.de Kurzreport: Erste deutsche Overclocking Meisterschaft computerbase.de Deutschland sucht den schnellsten Rechner heise.de Winnaars Duitse overklokwedstrijd bekendgemaakt tweakers.net Abit Overclocking Competition 2003 ABIT OverClocking Contest Правила соревнования PDF. Участники турнира: "Viper" "robotech" "Rundymc и Krado" "Geosin" "Deathgame и VincentV" "Stratix и tUx" "Shamino" "Ristar" "xtn32 и DriftDriver" Заметка в журнале HWM об этом. hardwarezone.com.sg ABIT Overclocking Competition - súťaž ako sa patrí pc.zoznam.sk 升技新加坡超频大赛纪实 power.zol.com.cn ABIT:新加坡超频大赛纪实 ocer.net Uitslag en foto's van Abit overklokwedstrijd tweakers.net Svenskt Mästerskap: "Sveriges snabbaste PC 2003"! NordicHardware в сотрудничестве с Asetek, ABIT, Overclockers.se и FutureMark. "Sveriges snabbaste PC 2003"! nordichardware.se Introduktion till SM i datorprestanda 2003 Tidsplan, Kategorier Generella regler Prestand-SM 2003 skickade 47 Intervju med vinnarna i SMPC2003 nordichardware.se Overclock Grand Prix 2003 akiba-jisaku.com OCGP2003 2004 год HardwareZone Christmas Affair 2004 HardwareZone Christmas Affair 2004 hardwarezone.com.sg HWM Svenskt Mästerskap: "Sveriges snabbaste PC 2004"! NordicHardware в месте с ASUS, ABIT, Overclockers.se, FutureMark och CPUID "Sveriges snabbaste PC 2004"! nordichardware.se Årets SM i Datorprestanda slår nu upp portarna! Tidsplan Generella regler och jury Instruktioner Topplistan Prestanda-SM börjar hetta till Prestanda-SM 2004 – historiens bästa? Preliminär resultatlista Slutgiltig resultatlista Intervju med Jimmie Stinger Knutas Intervju med Robert Crotale Kihlberg ASUS Cup Computer Overclocking App Competition 超频大赛现场报道之第一人称目击版 ocer.net 挑战后天!华硕杯超频大赛落下帷幕 it.sohu.com 狂超4.87GHz 华硕杯计算机超频应用大赛完美谢幕 it.sohu.com 挑战后天――华硕杯计算机超频应用大赛火爆开幕 zol.com.cn 狂超4.87GHz――华硕杯计算机超频应用大赛完美谢幕 news.zol.com.cn 挑战后天――华硕杯计算机超频应用大赛火爆开幕 news.mydrivers.com 狂超4.87GHz――华硕杯计算机超频应用大赛完美谢幕 news.mydrivers.com 挑战后天!华硕杯超频大赛落下帷幕 pcpop.com PC Pitstop's Top Dawg Challenge! Who's the Fastest? Are you the Top Dawg? pcpitstop.com раз - два - три. Победители. And the Winners Are pcmatic.com Overclock Grand Prix 2004 akiba-jisaku.com - ocworks.com. Страница правил, условий, призов. OCGP 2004 NetByte 2004 "Afterparty sider netbyte.dk Reglsæt for HARDiNFOs Overclocking konkurrence netbyte.dk ATi顯示卡尬一夏-3DMark03 Award Party - ATi Show chucking a summer-3DMark03 Award Party d-cross.com - ATI "ATi顯示卡尬一夏 d-cross.com ATi & D-CROSS顯示卡尬一夏-Award Party d-cross.com 超频比赛,冠军全部属于ABIT! news.zol.com.cn ATI超频大赛私藏秘笈? news.zol.com.cn 2005 год. NordicHardware, а также ATI, Sapphire, Corsair, AMD, Shuttle, Overclockers.se, FutureMark och CPUID "Sveriges snabbaste PC 2005"! nordichardware.se Generella regler och jury nordichardware.se Topplistan nordichardware.se SMPC2005: Kinc och Crotales vinnarsystem nordichardware.se 2005@Taichung 網聚 coolaler.com [CBB]2005台中網聚圖片 有圖貼圖 無圖討論 - coolaler.com DFI Diamond Cup winnies Overclocking Heroes в Пекине beareyes.com.cn -- DFI DFI钻石杯小熊超频英雄会活动概要 beareyes.com.cn DFI钻石杯小熊超频英雄会全面启动 digi.it.sohu.com DFI钻石杯小熊在线超频大赛现场决赛规则 lanparty.beareyes.com.cn DFI钻石杯小熊在线超频大赛现场决赛名单 beareyes.com.cn Страница конкурса - lanparty.beareyes.com.cn 2005北京超頻比賽部分照片 - Foto Ещё фото. coolaler.com Taiwan, Korea O.C Showdown in Computex 2005 Computex 2005, компания G.Skill ----- DFI. coolaler.com Match of the Century – Taiwan, Korea O.C Showdown in Computex gskill.com Show Our Honor to all the Contest Attendee gskill.com Overclocking Exhibition on Texas Gaming Festival 2005 Fugger (Charles Worth) and Macci (Sami Makinen from Finland) and Chilly1 (Reggie Wing), PC-ICE (David Hilton), OP Painter (Eric Kronies). The Great Texas Overclocking Competition anandtech.com Texas Gaming Festival and Overclocking Exhibition Sponsored by ATI and OCZ auphanonline.com DFI Diamond Cup winnies Overclocking Heroes in China, Bei Jing - DFI钻石杯小熊超频英雄会 DFI и beareyes.com.cn, GZeasy.com. Bei Jing's busiest IT Mall DFI Overclocking Competition in China, Bei Jing vr-zone.com DFI Overclocking coolaler.com 華人的盛會 Anti-X @ DFI鑽石杯超頻英雄會 anti-x.org NetByte 2005 "Afterparty sider netbyte.dk HARDiNfO Overclocking konkurence netbyte.dk 17103分揭密3DMark05世界纪录DIY透析 - Рекорды 3DMark05 и Shamino diy.zol.com.cn просто статья на 9 страницах. 2006 год. abit Overclocking Competition 2006! abit Overclocking Competition 2006!! vrzone.com Abit Overclocking Competition 2006 - Копирайт обзора на modding.ru Exclusive! ATi's DIY Overclocking Heroes Summit China, Beijing, 14th of April 2006 года ATi DIY Overclocking Heroes' Summit vr-zone.com Universal abit UK Overclocking Competition (Competition runs from October 15 - November 15, 2006) Пресс релиз на bit-tech.net Сайт с результатами - abit.ohyeah.idv.tw Swedish Computer Performance Championship 2006 NordicHardware в сотрудничестве с Intel, XFX, ASUS, Corsair, AMD, Shuttle, SilverStone, ABIT и Antec. "Sveriges snabbaste PC 2006"! nordichardware.se Topplistan nordichardware.se Swedish Computer Performance Championship 2006 The first results in SCPC 2006 have arrived Celeron Mobile 1500@4170MHz = 178% overclock Kinc extends his lead with a new result at 23.343 points Kinc reaches 23,777 in 3DMark 06 – Kinpin counters with 24,011 points! SCPC 2006 – 27 hours left Preliminary winners and results Jon ”elmor” Sandström the winner of the Price/Performance category The winners SCPC 2006: The winners Prestanda-SM 2006: Vinnarartikel - TECHLABS OVERCLOCKING naviny.by www.kraina.by 42.tut.by www.kv.by 1-й национальный конкурс "TECHLABS OVERCLOCKING" techlabs.by Победить в конкурсе Techlabs Overclocking может каждый nestor.minsk.by Завершился конкурс «TECHLABS OVERCLOCKING» vibra.ws interfax.by naviny.by bios.by 42.tut.by Scythe WorldWide "Overclock to the Max!" Contest Новость Новость www.techpowerup.com Новость www.tweaktown.com Home Interactive Technologies 2006 Home Interactive Technologies 2006 - выставка домашних электронных развлечений, проходила c 30 ноября по 3 декабря 2006 года в ЦВЗ «Манеж» (Санкт-Петербург, Исаакиевская пл., 1). Команда сайта TopMods.NET представит на выставке HIT стенд с последними разработками в области водяного и фреонового охлаждения, а также покажет лучшие работы моддеров по изменению внешнего вида ПК. Будет проведен Первый Съезд Моддеров России, на котором поднимутся самые актуальные вопросы российской моддинг-сцены и, участники смогут обменяться мнениями и взглядами. Более подробно. Как я провёл зиму выставку или почти всё о HIT 2006 (Часть 1) - Отчёт от автора на topmods.net HIT'2006 - глазами оверклокера. Часть-II - статья на overclockers.ru H I T 2006 - Ещё один фото отчёт с данного мероприятия. После окончания выставки HIT 2006 была написана статья, для журнала xard.ru. Экстремальный разгон: Intel Kentsfield под жидким азотом. А эта с фото на сайте topmods.net Экстремальный разгон c жидким азотом (HIT 2006) автор TiN (Цеменко Илья) “我为超频狂”影驰galaxy & NVIDIA 3DMark05 zol.com.cn, компания szgalaxy.com и cn.nvidia.com 我为超频狂--影驰超频大赛规则 zol.com.cn “我为超频狂” zol.com.cn 挑战极限“我为超频狂”海选招募中 vga.zol.com.cn 奇迹 7800GT 3DMARK 05狂飙9200分 vga.zol.com.cn 紫禁之巅的决战 影驰超频大赛闭幕 vga.zol.com.cn 玩家各显神通!影驰超频大赛圆满结束 pcpop.com 玩家各显神通!影驰超频大赛圆满结束 tech.sina.com.cn от tech.sina.com.cn 大开眼界!影驰NV显卡超频大赛落下帷幕 tech.sina.com.cn от intozgc.com ATi Overclocking Competition in China, Beijing VR-Zone's China Team wins ATi Overclocking Competition sg.vr-zone.com 国内超频狂人颠峰对决 ATI装机会谢幕 vga.zol.com.cn 17777分 迪兰打破3DMark05国内记录 vga.zol.com.cn 装机会圆满谢幕 ATI谱写DIY英雄史诗! pcpop.com 装机会谢幕,ATI谱写DIY英雄的史诗! pcpop.com 2006@Taipei 網聚 coolaler.com 2006@Taipei 網聚 coolaler.com CBB 0326台北網聚隨手照 albertyin 2006@Taichung 網聚 "2006@Taichung 網聚 coolaler.com [CBB]06年台中網聚圖片 100張照片 foto tw159134 2006 Kaohsiung 網聚 2006 Kaohsiung 網聚 coolaler.com (技術太差多多包含) 2006年12月23日 Kaohsiung 網聚 - foto 滄者小蟲 2006 Kaohsiung 網聚照片集 - foto ST-15K.3 Intel lectures at universities in Taiwan "INTEL大學校園超頻巡迴展示花絮-清華大學 - Университет Цинхуа в Пекинеcoolaler.com (樹德科技大學).....2006大學校園超頻巡迴展 - Шу-Дэ технологический университет в Гаосюн coolaler.com (輔仁大學).... 2006大學校園超頻巡迴展 - Католический университет Фужэнь в Синьбэй coolaler.com (成功大學).......2006大學校園超頻巡迴展 - National Cheng Kung University Тайвань coolaler.com (南開技術學院)....2006大學校園超頻巡迴展 - Nan Kai University of Technology Тайвань coolaler.com P.S If anyone knows what other notable competitions and events were held in these years, please write to us. I will search them for information for the history.
  8. This is for selecting the best bunch was, now less but only the best remained + 50 pieces have not tried to select, nor how it will not come to this. Это для отбора лучших кучка была, сейчас меньше, но только лучшие остались + 50 штук ещё не пробовал отбирать, никак не дойдёт до этого дело.
  9. I'm very interested. But unfortunately while I'm doing something else, maybe in 4 months there will be time to do a little bit of CPU selection. And it will take 15 months from the last submission of the result. Let's expand it for 2 years for inactivity.
  10. So it doesn't get lost. Found some patch that does not know. https://web.archive.org/web/20040322033109/http://europe.giga-byte.com/VGA/FileList/Driver/driver_595u_gt_patch.exe driver_595u_gt_patch.exe
  11. There is such a BIOS. But it's not 520 MHz Can the PCB (product) version be different? Тайминги памяти сравни обязательно.и сколько мегабайт я не знаю. Если Max1024 качал с китайского сайта то этот от туда же и ни чем от его не отличается. GV-N595U-GT_f1.zip
  12. Sorry for my English. You all do a great job. I have a hope this year to get to socket 462, and select the accumulated processors and can take 280 over the bus.
  13. Ouch. what parameters do you use to consider an inactive participant. 1-2 years ?
  14. I do not know if you will understand what I wrote on-line translator. If you don't want to invest in extreme cooling. Then choose another League in which you will rise high, Yes it's time, it's money. I have long spat on all sorts of races . I'm only interested in the Hardware Masters League . And a little bit to maintain the seasonal rating. And what kind of iron to climb up in the League Hardware Masters is the choice of each his own. Maybe when I'm 80 years old and have nothing to do, I'll take and surpass all the available iron using LN2 for a couple of years. In the meantime, I'm fine with water cooling.
  15. Hardware Masters & just for fun.
  16. I think the test depends on some Windows settings which I have no idea. I set up the OS the same way every time throughout the years, and I have the results go smoothly according to the frequency of the processor (+ - ) throttling from overheating or something. If you look at two results from Prescott. Or you each time for different set up windows , or you have some bugs with the benchmark or framework https://hwbot.org/submission/4202283_mrgenius_black_hole_benchmark_pentium_4_3.4ghz_(prescott)_4828_marks https://hwbot.org/submission/4092084_mrgenius_black_hole_benchmark_pentium_4_3.2ghz_(prescott)_2596_marks Or is it a bug from too high overclocking and instability of the system . Lower the frequency, at 300MHz pass the test, then raise at 100MHz and pass the test and see the results.
  17. I have difficulty with English I write through a translator. I don't know why this is happening. I have with 2014. how did this benchmark always singethreaded high , but in windows 7 it is same low like yours. Here's another 2014 result , unfortunately, the older 478 results with less frequency I have removed but there just as well. https://hwbot.org/submission/2674025_alexmaj467_black_hole_benchmark_athlon_1000_(thunderbird_fsb_133_socket_462)_1455_marks Here is outcome another user which has 1 place and I have the second place with a lesser frequency. https://hwbot.org/submission/3067489_aleslammer_black_hole_benchmark_athlon_64_3200_(manchester)_5454_marks I always configure the OS in this way. But unfortunately it is in Russian, will be of little use, but there is nothing beyond the unknown to configure the OC.
  18. Look at my other results . The higher the frequency the higher the result, the higher the result is not Random but comparable to frequency increase. If this error program only works in Windows XP, I'm not to blame, use WindowsXP is not prohibited.
  19. Use Windows XP only . windows 7 and others bring 40% less points . And Adjust priority and affinity.
  20. Thanks. Not so cold water, about 14 degrees Celsius. Here is a month ago still was 9 degrees. But now the air is closer to +30 and condensate falls immediately.I need to turn the air conditioning on,To get rid of the dew point.
  21. The result is filed in the wrong category. the card that was used 128bit is not 64 bit.Here is the right category transfer the result there. https://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce2_mx400_64mb/
  22. Necessary, but not yet comes at a reasonable price. The motherboard is already very tired, I hope it will withstand the overtaking of all my AGP graphics cards.
  23. Good result. Soon I return the result, I just started to sort out my AGP video card from GF2 and above.
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