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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Thanks guys, this is kinda a big deal for us. Lets see if we can't get all 5 in the top 10 by early next year
  2. Did you have time for any other benchmarks? Curious to see what it will do in Geekbench and Cinebench
  3. isn't this meant to be a dual core CPU? No disrespect meant but I can't see how a single core ARM chip beats out an L3014 like that
  4. It doesn't get you nowhere exactly, a group complaining opens up discussion so it does something. What happens though if you get more people complaining than actually suggesting improvements then it all just gets done slower. Best cause of action is to bring up a potential issue, then have people resolve it with discussion of the best plan of action then actually doing it. There is no point in people continuously saying "OC-Esports so broke, fix it" or "Damn I hate that site, why can't we just use old HWBot features" how the hell is anyone meant to improve on the site if no constructive criticism is given. Rant over.
  5. Well then, sign me up for some Samsung-E, I really want to get hold of some and have a go on cold with it now. Like you said even if we only see a little bit of scaling with it, it's going to be brilliant on cold
  6. This is with cold memory right? I've not been keeping track of DDR4 clocking at all but that speed seems way too high for air
  7. well I can tell you now that there is no submission on the bot that goes over 24H, longest one is 23H and 27Min here : http://hwbot.org/submission/1065306_zabit_superpi___32m_k5_pr75_23h_27min_0sec_600ms So it does look like the benchmark has a max run time of 24Hours which is a little strange.
  8. it's pretty necessary for most single core scores when at the limit. You need to have like 10FSB less than what you can bench at with the L3014 sometimes
  9. I'm always up for organizing competitions as some of my team mates will vouch. More than happy to help out in this department
  10. I meant just from a format perspective, but I agree, this kind of thing sounds really fun
  11. See if you can find anything about the MSI OC academi, we did something similar there
  12. If in doubt, go flat out?
  13. Would probably be a good idea to have an Nvidia and Ati card in the same competition instead of just one of the manufacturers. Slightly different ways of tweaking both so it's good practice really to use both types.
  14. You must be submitting these wrong lawrence as I don't see any of the other members having this issue, have a look next time you submit a score.
  15. Regarding the effective removing of inactive users I really like that and it will shake up the top 3 teams massively I'm sure, regarding the team cup thing I have personally spoke to those who have a lot more interest in focusing on the cup than the rankings as simply put it is more important to them. To put it into sport terms, it is much more important for them to win the world cup than it is for them to be top 5 all year round and door poorly in the world cup. Best kinda analogy I could come up with.
  16. Well I'll be giving it a go this summer again, cold nb didn't help either so I'm not sure if I was NB limited or other, might have just been a CPU limit. Problem with the board is that there are no holes for the NB pot to go in, you just have to sit it on top and hope it doesn't fall off
  17. What if I told you that I didn't mod the board once for 260%
  18. Very nice score, don't know how I managed to miss this one, good job dude.
  19. your account has been broke for a while mate, nearly a year now
  20. it's fake, it was a bug with PSCheck I think it was, basically you could set the states and in CPU-Z it would state that it was overclocked, however run a benchmark and you'll see that the speed hasn't changed at all. @topdog I'm sure has a link somewhere where he had his laptop CPU at 8GHz using the same method. I've reported this score before for being fake but it wasn't taken down, so hopefully it will be removed this time because it is completely bugged Edit : Just read first post again, and noticed it was taken down from the rankings.
  21. Actually dude i don't see it making one hell of a difference since the global points have always been about the top scores of the latest hardware. Permitting the hardware points side doesn't change you guys should be fine
  22. It's an OS thing, I only ended up with 1400 when I ran at 5.5GHz but I don't really have the answer since I have no time for XTU
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