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Everything posted by aerotracks

  1. Sold, please move and close.
  2. Some more IMC testing: At C14/C15 between 4700-5100 frequencies there is some kind of hole where it does not like to train. With more frequency, it comes back and is stable again. Not sure what is going on there, might be me. Result: 5150 15-13 Geekbench, should be plenty for most if not all 2D benches.
  3. This was just XMP and the 4600C14 profile (fastest available for B-Die) on the Apex + some BCLK. When I first received the chip, I did some IMC testing with what the seller claimed stable for his daily setup, and it was. Screenshot attached below.
  4. Hey guys, up for sale an 11900k, with tray packaging and invoice. I bought the chip binned from a watercooling enthusiast, unfortunately I never had it cold. My results on M13A with water cooling 21°C ambient (water temp appr. 22-24°C): 32M 5.6 1.45V: https://hwbot.org/submission/5138075_ XTU 5.3 1.44V: https://hwbot.org/submission/5138014_ R23 5.25 1.45V: https://hwbot.org/submission/5137981_aerotracks_cinebench___r23_multi_core_with_benchmate_core_i9_11900k_17268_cb And last of all, voltage scaling under load with R23: 5.0 1.146V / 5.2 1.288V Sold for 320€ shipped EU (DHL 2kg package). (For worldwide shipping, write me and I'll look it up) Item location: Germany. Payment via PayPal/IBAN. Buyer is responsible for PayPal fees. Private sale, no returns, no warranty. Overclocking results may vary, but were achieved as mentioned on my system.
  5. Sold locally, please move and close.
  6. Erm nope, price is what is says above. I have a second 11700k that I ordered earlier which is opened and fully working, same batch different SN. I did some initial overclocking checks with that one and I currently use it in my work system where it's been running stock. If you want that one, also possible.
  7. What's a month early if they're 5 years late.
  8. Hey guys, Up for sale one 11700k boxed brand new and sealed with invoice from Mindfactory. Sold locally. Item location: Germany. Shipping within EU should be from 10-14€ depending on country and DHL/Hermes. PM me for details! Payment via PayPal/IBAN. Buyer is responsible for PayPal fees. Private sale, no returns, no warranty.
  9. @bartx I can't clock my memory proper with any of the M10A mod-bioses. 0094 is what I use for both 6000 and 9000 series on the M9A, also attached some timings.
  10. Please move and close, need to retest with Z490.
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