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OC-eSports Points missing


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I have reported this before, but not gotten a reply. I'm trying to climb the rankings and so I would really like the missing OC-eSports Points from the MSI Beat the fastest competition. The problem is that my XTU-score is gone from the competition, and that moves me from first to fifth place. The submission is still in my profile, so I don't know what happened. It was not removed due to rules etc. Is there anything you can do to undo the undoing of my result :)

It is also my greatest achievement so far, so I would like some way to remember this officially :)


Here is the sub: http://hwbot.org/submission/2776163_rauf_xtu_core_i5_3570k_1141_marks


News article: http://oc-esports.io/#!/article/2821/rauf_claims_top_spot_in_the_msi_beat_the_fastest_contest


Thanks for your help!

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Ah, that's the one I forgot.


Fixed it, you now have the points in your profile (the ranking recalculation may take a while). The reason why it was removed is because there's a bug that will make the submission page say "49.9 hardware points with Intel Core i5 3570K at 6359MHz" instead of the actual score. This is the formatting for the competition stage the score is linked to.

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