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[appraisal] Working Wyse Decision 386/25 and terminals

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I have no idea if this is the right place to ask, but I know a lot of people here at the bot are PC junkies so I think i might find out more information at the least about the PC I have. I digress though so here's my situation:


I have a working Wyse 386/25 multi-user PC(or is it a mainframe? not sure, can run a metric butt-tonne of terminals off of the thing- max supported is i think 60 or so- i could be wrong though), 4 terminals to go with it, an IBM model F for the main PC, and 4 Wyse WY60 Terminal keyboards to go with it too.


Example of a terminal: https://www.pcliquidations.com/p16352-wyse-executone-crt-40017

Example of a terminal keyboard: https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=52597.0

Example of the PC:


What would the price of this whole setup be? (Note: I do not have all the cords for the assorted components, have tested function on all though.) I have no idea, as there's nothing like it for sale anywhere- although IBM PS/2's (which are from a similar time frame) go for between $150-600 in good condition. And that is just one PC, without extra terminals and keyboards.


Thanks for any input! I mean seriously, any input and knowledge is useful as this stuff was made before the internet was a thing :)

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