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Worldwide league, without points


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Wow still no rank or points for some of my i7 930 subs :(

Should I go get more Ln2 to bench 5 LGA775 CPU's or should I wait till everything is fixed?

I was ranked No. 10 on my team now I'm 15th after I made some subs :confused:

My phone takes better pics then my expensive camera.......

LGA1366 i7 970.jpg

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I'm looking at your Cinebench results, none of them are valid as your cpuz tabs are covering the image.


No point fixing your submissions if they are invalid. Also, just make sure you ticked the boxes at the bottom of the results correctly. You may have opted for it to be excluded from the rankings.

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3 hours ago, KaRtA said:

Where does it say "support staff only can comment"

Pull your head in a bit buddy, flaming people giving advice won't get you anywhere. 

I think he's just salty that yet another person is calling him out on invalid subs. He's already been told by mods to read the rules and yet he still asks why his subs get no points.

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I was posting to a mod and you guys interrupted, I've been here a long time and I don't your advice.

Alot of my subs are not ranked or points given, I know my old Dell monitor is history the res. is to small for CPU-Z tabs to show the full render of CB, the mod's are aware of it. The Mods are working overtime to fix the existing problems the Bot has now. I for one will wait to go get more Ln2 till the problems are fixed.

Running Ln2 while benching and submitting subs that's not getting cups,rank and points is a waste.

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