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9900k's ln2 binned 2 left


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Before we start to have some quarrel here I will simply ask from seller for some screenshots as proof of what the cpus can do. This is nothing personal but we talk about high priced pretested cpus and people want to see what they pay for in case they buy - thanks in advance :)

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Mate, what you DO NOT seem to understand is, that such very high binned and very expensive processors have a potential clientele that know EVERYTHING.

Maybe true, maybe not, your thread does not provide the solid proof needed to trigger interest.

1) Processors advertised as LN2 binned - no screenshots

2) Only to make things worse, you post screenshots with chilled water and dice. Very confusing.

Things do not work that way here.

Your potential buyers are in the field of extreme overclocking for years and can't be fooled with such way of presenting the processors.

Want to sell ?

Buy some LN2, re-run, take proper screenshots, state if they are tray or boxed, delidded or not and then start hoping.

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