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How to get rid of CBB issues?


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I benched a lot with GIGABYTE UD3H and Sniper 3 in the last weeks and I keep getting a CBB between -60 and -80°C.

If the system freezes the debug LED always shows 15 which is the code for memory detection. Even if I straight hit the reset button after the freeze the system does not reboot. After few seconds it just shuts down and I have to warm up to the said -80 to -60 °C.


Any ideas how to solve this issue? I'm wasting a lot of LN2 with cooling down the whole pot and cpu all the time.


BIOS (boot) settings:

107 BCLK

50 CPU-Multi

1:11 Memory (1177 MHz, 7-11-7-26 1T)



1.8 vCPU

1,225 VTT

1,225 IMC

1,8 vPLL

1,815 vDIMM

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It's pretty strange becasue also other members of PCGHX Team have the same issue but different CPUs.


Sometimes the UD3H seems to boot without any CBB and few minutes later it has a CBB at -80°C. Crazzzy85 had the same issue and changed to MVG and no CBB there. So it's not a CPU issue.

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German boards are harder to cool :D


No had this issue but had other issues though,


tried to warm the memory slots ?


Will try that



Also no problem with UD3H when i at bclk 105 !


Which BIOS did you use?


I tried S2, S4, F8g

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hey on your GB board, when you fail at very cold temp, just press power button as rapidly as you can possibly more than 1 time, like tap tap tap lol. also BCLK=CBB and CB helper, only like 103mhz is needed.


Also i tend not to use the benching BIOSes, but it shouldn't make much difference. I think Sniper3 has better CBB behavior than UD3H, which i think is worse than UD5H. depends on the benching tho, E1>E0 for better CBB behavior.

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