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Got my head around some C++ AMP at the weekend and wrote a benchmark for DX11 GPUs that probes some of the computational aspects in grid solvers.




Each stage lasts for 30 seconds - CPU score is designed to be less than 5% of the overall grade, but as always having a fast CPU helps keep the GPU fed. AMD doesn't fair too well, but that's more a weakness of the DX11 API with C++ AMP for this sort of thing.


Download below and feel free to test!


// System Compute
// (c) 2012 Ian Cutress
// System Compute is a benchmark designed to stress the CPU and AMP device of the system
// Changelog
// v0.4 : Added CPU detection 
// v0.3 : Added AMP MatMul
// v0.2 : Fixed Score calculation
//		: Added 2D IMP CPU
//		: Made it look nicer
// v0.1 : Initial Build
//		: 2D-CPU
//		: 3D-CPU
//		: 2D-AMP
//		: 3D-AMP


Still need to add result verification tools.




Edited by borandi

Code is not public, same reason FM doesn't make its code public :D I suggest getting a book or two ofc.

I get a portion of my computational code from back when I did my PhD, as such it's based on real life problems.

As long as your buddy is proficient in C++, have a look at n-body simulations. Those are always interesting and taxing, or black-scholes for finance. It's a case of picking up an algorithm and having a go. A strong background in mathematics always helps, especially when writing optimised code :thumb:

actually i was more interested on why AMD card is not fairing well...wanted to look into that part :)


AMD GPUs fair OK, but a big driver of single GPU perf is single core speed as everyone knows :) The Trinity A10-5800K CPUs are about 35% off an Ivy i3-3225 at stock, hence the big decrease.


It just so happens that PCIe speed is all critical as well. PCIe 3 > PCIe 2, and as much BCLK as you can fire at it also seems to work.


http://www.overclock.net/t/1329409/i-made-a-benchmark-systemcompute-v0-4/0_100#post_18651666 is where the main thread is

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