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--DHENZJHEN says: you always get the good cellery sir, awesome job me likey :)--

THX, I get the good cellery because you guys have tried many batches before, it is really work for me. :)


--TAPAKAH says: This chip might be better than the one that took 8.3<br/> What sort of freqs can this do on air? (1.45V)--

En... for now, I have got 8312MHz Validation at 1.924V used CPU-LN2-V2, and I have seen 8322MHz but I failed to save the .cvf file, WTF... This chip can not stand high Vcore, 1.94V is more than enough. So, it is too hot for this chip to get high on air if Vcore>1.4V...Anyway I will get 8322MHz done.


I don't know how much cedarmills you have binned, but I find it funny how I tested 300pcs and my best one was 8211 (not repeatable), then Kenny found 8300+ (the chip I did WR with is not mine) from 20pcs and now you :D


If your chip does 8300+ then it most likely does not have an FSB wall so there is a lot of potential still to be discovered. Good find :)


Before I found your good batches, I tried about 90pcs. Now I tried less than 10pcs with good batch 5634B and 5625B, still have 4pcs CD 352 to go, xD.

Even if this chip had an FSB wall, 8325MHz(FSB333) is also the freq I dream of. Just wait for me to use a better LN2 pot. xD

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