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R5: HWBOT Front-page Voting Tool


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A new feature in Rev5 is the Front-page Voting Tool. This feature does not require that much explanation: it's a tool we can use to add POLLs to the frontpage. Currently, the tool has been installed, but just in the sidebar. You can find the POLL in every sidebar on HWBOT. In the future, we hope to have this feature evolve into a structure for community members, visitors as well as team captains to discuss and vote on new features and ideas. But, that might be for Rev6 only.


The voting tool allows us to create polls for specific user groups by adding parameters. The parameters currently include:


- # submissions

- league

- country/region

- points


We are currently testing the voting tool to see how effective it is compared to the forum polls. We are using the "Reconsider How Ties Receive Points" discussion as test. The limitations are set as follows:


- submissions: minimum 1



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