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Posts posted by TaiwanAndre

  1. So everybody still think, that scores around 35 000 are still telling real truth about system performance :)


    This test is so badly biased to HDD tests, that there is no idea to use it anymore. I know it must feel good to see such a scores on screen, but come on. In general 24/7 use storage is not the most important part.. usually it is not. How many of us move or use really large (+10GB) files all the time? OS's need a lot of ram and that is making usage more fluent than any super speed HDD or SSD.


    I will get some SSD to my internet/gaming machine too, but still, I don't like PCmark05 anymore.


    I think at least MFT usage will have to be stopped /banned.




    I still see MFT score on hwbot. If hwbot agree MFT score, I would plan to test 40K+. I don't want to waste my LN2 for this stupid benchmark until hwbot agree MFT or not.

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