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paladdinsane's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. nice score, that memory timing is tricky =)
  2. why was this removed from my MSI GODLIKE OC SEASON 2: AMBIENT 2D BATTLE submission??
  3. why was this removed from my MSI GODLIKE OC SEASON 2: AMBIENT 2D BATTLE submission??
  4. paladdinsane`s HWBOT Prime score: 4562.26 pps with a Core i3 6100 and paladdinsane`s Geekbench3 - Multi Core score: 10241 points with a Core i3 6100 These were valid submissions, as far as I can tell, and where removed a day after the MSI cup closed, resulting in my league score dropping points. Why did this happen? Any time I've made an invalid submission in the past for some reason I was contacted as to why.
  5. http://imgur.com/d71RaOK ^^^ link to screenshot with details open, sorry I missed it in the first submit.
  6. it IDed my GPU wrong. This is not a mobility version, it is the desktop version. DELETED
  7. http://www.catzilla.com/showresult/?lp=678001|*|Result%20Details#
  9. http://browser.primatelabs.com/geekbench3/6455551 ^^ this is the compare URL for this test, sorry for not including it in the submit
  10. Hi Just a quick question about the user profile page for HWBOT. Under the 'Customize your profile' page there is an option for 'Banner:' that asks for the 'URL of banner image'. I have attempted to link images here to customize my profile page, but nothing seems to work. The space always ends up displaying a broken image link labeled 'Team banner' above my profile image. This is ugly, no one likes dead links at the top of their page! So... Is there some specific format or file type that must be used here? Also... I am unable to remove the dead link by emptying the URL on the 'Customize your profile' page. It does not seem to save an empty field. Is there any way to remove this content and clean up the dead link?
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