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Everything posted by DjEmil

  1. DjEmil

    GT640 64Bit

    Thanks M8
  2. DjEmil

    GT640 64Bit

    Here it is
  3. DjEmil

    GT640 64Bit

    Hey. iv checked and you dont have any Option for GT640 for the 64Bit verision. iv got a GV-N640D5-1GL and that is a GeForce GT640 1GB but with the 64Bits Interface. How to i get upp submissions for this card? Cheers!
  4. How do you get 45sec in this test?
  5. Damn. Thats a nice Vcore on the Chip
  6. Let´s get a Valid screenshoot. this looks more like fake.. no CPU INFO in Wprime and wrong CPU speed in CPU-Z
  7. sry guys the print i allso wring so the post i going to be deleted becuase i forgot to take print with the FPS, so im gonna do a new run!
  8. Well then i should just try a new round and see what it gives me then... its called tweaking and ballanced system! But i can do another run tomorrow!
  9. Yeah, well its only my test RUN, gonna be better, jsut need som nice LN2/Dice pot for it
  10. Ticket ID: 785 Priority: High 2 of my Goldcpus is gone, i hade the Fist place in 3things with my 4800+ x2 CPU, and now the Wprim is gone and 1more...\r\n\r\nHow the F**K can they just be deleted!???\r\n\r\nWell im just gonna post new, but its not fun to do that all the time...
  11. Du, har du verkligen satt på så att du kör med 4cores? annars så är ju din CPU helt tvär knullad... Gå in på Advance settings och sätt på alla, eller så är det ditt cool & Quiet som förstår allt...
  12. Ticket ID: 753 Priority: High Hey, my question is how do i make a TEAM here @ HWbot??\r\n\r\nCan anyone help me plz??\r\n\r\nCheers\r\nHardWare OC-Team ADMIN
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