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  1. wytiwx, how much this one need to get into os on 5g?
  2. to be deleted
  3. to be deleted
  4. I confirm that ss was saled. Shipping cost something heavy like that to other side of globe? I think about 80 euro New price of dewar !! 150euro + shipping cost.
  5. I confirm reservation.
  6. Hi, I dont have any information about parcels above 20kg but shipping cost of dewar to Chile is 50€
  7. Next part of my colling staff for sale: 1. Single stage made by bart-x. More info there: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?253100-1HP-Benching-SS Results: -45;46 idle -43;45 load (new i7 4c/8t etc.) worst temp i ever saw -41 on 980X @ 5,6ghz 3dm. FC is airtight and very well calibrated. I add plate for gpu, second plate for cpu, seger pliers (to change plates) and mounting kit for memory(one memory) made by me. Price: 300€ + shipping cost. 2. 10 liter dewar - it should keep a half of its capacity through 2-3 weeks. Price: 150€ + shipping cost Validation photo: Payment with Paypal or banktransfer. I'm sending from Poland.FC will be send in a wooden solid box, and mounted on a screws to it. Dewar will be packaged in considerable thickness of cushioning material. I think also about pallet but it is significantly more expensive option. estimated shipping cost(more places in europe) ss - 50€ dewar - 40€
  8. Ok, so everything is sold. I'm going to sell also a 10liters dewar and single stage if somebody is interested in.
  9. if somenoe is interested in thermometer - its price is 20€. (new one cost about 40€). @Andreat85 and @Dhemon - I look forward to PM's from you with confirmation of purchase.
  10. yes , i can add sufficient amount of 1cm thick armaflex, alternatively possibly in the form of self-adhesive tape but i don't have it to much(tape).
  11. @Andreat85 - i've add mounting holes pitch to description. Shipping to Italy, like above - 16€
  12. If you're from UK i don't see an obstacle. We have a national feast from 1 to 3 of may so there is no sense to send it before monday. I can wait to friday for money
  13. Hi. I have some cooling staff for sale. Pots were bought about 2 years ago. It has normal marks of use, but everything is at good conditions. Maybe, except of a part of grey screws from gpu plates, which demand use a pliers So: #SOLD - 1 x cpu pot - SF3D Inflection Point (+ mounting kit) - 120 € + shipping cost #SOLD - 2x gpu slim pot made by ryba(one of these has only two mounting plates - i misplaced third one. Update post if i find it) - 55€ + shipping cost Mounting-holes pitch: 43x43 , 53x53, 58x58, 62x62(both sides for dual gpu) #SOLD -1x NB pot (made from single-stage evap) - 15€ + shipping cost ( i prefer to sell it as additional stuff to something other) For your wish i'll attach some sheets of insualation, or showed enermax bands. #SOLD - Theromometer - CHY700 - 20€ ( 2 x budgetary thermocouple gratis) Payment with Paypal or banktransfer. I'm sending from Poland. Cost depends from your destination, but for most european countries it will be: cpu/gpu/nb - 16€ 2xgpu+nb or cpu+gpu+nb - 18€ all stuff - 22€
  14. Not every 780dcu goes far with memory clock. Good job 12 !
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