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Everything posted by cyclone

  1. Please unblock this result http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=590983 I've already fixed the verification link
  2. I must say that I'm very glad with the end of the story about Moscow Subteam and Russian overs. IMHO new Subteam Rules are not perfect, but they're better and more clear than several months ago. Nevertheless, some hwbot.org participants continue to ignore them and to gain/cheat hwboints with restricted methods. I've noticed such a bug in one of the TOP-10 Teams a few weeks ago, but it was not fixed till now. I suppose that our turkish friends don't know English at all, don't know what is the Fair Play, or perfectly understand what they are doing, but they just want to cheat more hwboints, hwboints, hwboints... So, the problem and the facts... The Team - Hardware-Arena Turkiye. Suspicious Members - !!!! Brandybuck (http://hwbot.org/user.do?userId=7634), the Team Leader!; Hwa Fena Core (http://hwbot.org/user.do?userId=10060); HardwArena Turkiye (http://hwbot.org/user.do?userId=7625). I've looked through some results a few weeks ago, and I noticed the suspicious Hardware-Arena Turkiye's members - Hwa Fena Core and HardwArena Turkiye. That days I supposed that the first and the second are something like turkish subteams, but the details are quite surprising. These two "bots" have only several good results, and randomly use the screenshots and verification links to Futuremark's website. The most interesting thing is that all the three mentioned participants use THE SAME ORB Account for verification. Just for example: Brandybuck - http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=5476236 (User - 3164766) - 3Dmark 2003 - 60238 marks on GF 8800 Ultra; Hwa Fena Core - http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=9192949 (User - 3164766) - 3Dmark 2003 - 45537 marks on GF 8800 GTX; HardwArena Turkiye - http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=5460218 (User - 3164766) - 3Dmark 2001 - 74987 marks on GF 8800 GTS. It is a nice way to multiple the TOP-500 hwboints, isn't it? I suppose that Brandybuck created the two mentioned bots by himself, but I am not sure for 100%. And here is one more interesting detail with the results - Brandybuck and HardwArena Turkiye have got the results on the same hardware - Radeon 9550, registered on the other ORB profile, but made by that cheating turkish guy, too: Brandybuck - 3Dmark 2001 - 16738 marks (http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=8367144); HardwArena Turkiye - 3Dmark 2001 - 17278 marks (http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=8248075). Is it a cheating? I hope that everybody here understands: YES! Should something be done to fix that problem? The answer is YES! It's up to YOU, the hwbot.org Crew Members, to decide what exactly should be done. I hope You'll find the right way. P.S. I remember the story with Onepagebook here, on hwbot.org. His results were treated hard but equitable, despite he is a true overclocking Legend famous all over the overclocking world. And who is Brandubuck? As for me - just a cheating guy. Hope that he'll get a fair punishment. Probably the Turks will try to be smart (as IMHO some other guys did here) and say that somebody from other team created the two bots to discredit their team leader.. Don't they know each other? Aren't they able to moderate their own results?... P.P.S. I think that subteams should be prohibited on hwbot at all - it will be a little bit easier to moderate the results for You, the hwbot.org Crew, and to help You for us, benchmarkers who support Fair Play principles
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