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  1. Ticket ID: 536 Priority: High http://products.amd.com/en-us/DesktopCPUDetail.aspx?id=508
  2. Hi guys i am just a new member here i ve heard about this place from good friend of mine and the problem is i am IT and benching such cluster ist no problem for me even 32X7460 istn maximum of what i could bench the problem is your system doesntaccept everything thats above 32 socket I see some people think here Cluster benchers arent real benchers and they dont care about points to be honest i really dont gie a damn about points but tomorrow i have some Dry Iceto do with i7 and 295er Quad Sli and You will See that cluster bencher can do subzero coolings too i am not really professional OCer but i will give my best and if you split single and multi sockets i have no problems with that it just makes everything more complicated according such rule there should be 1 soket,2,3,4,5,6,7,....and so on and every of them should get own points and i with my multisocket systems could beat even Nr:1 only with benching wprime on the cluster i think it would be unfair so whatever you decide guys ,i really dont care its just benchmark and one day every record will be broken with greetings qartweli
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