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Everything posted by STORM1978

  1. Thanks a lot!
  3. The phone is Samsung galaxy Core S Duos 2 (GT-S7582). Please update the database so i can upload some benchmarks.
  4. I;ve got an Samsung Core S Duos 2 android phone and i cannot upload an HWBOT Prime benchmark result because it says that you don't have its details uploaded on the site. Please do so i can upload some results.
  5. Go on Sofos, push it more, i know you can ;-)
  6. Is Intel Mobile Core 2 Duo T5600 the same as Intel Core 2 Duo T5550 or is it a mistake of CPU-Z program? I keep find it on submissions under the T5550 cpu.
  7. I can't make 1.3 edition to run (it freezes just after finishes checking my pc parts on either the 2 modes 576 & 720. This is also not running on a friends pc with I7 4770 + 770. I have FX8350 + R9 290. Another problem is that even in 1.2 edition, i cannot register it. I'm inserting my code but the program doesn't utilize the 'SEND' key to press it. Does anyone has a similar problem? Thanks.
  8. I know you're new in here but be carefull with your results, take it down it's wrong submition or there might be some problems with it. I reported it just to know it.
  9. As i stated above, i also removed some of mine results due to that. I know that everyone should verify his/hers cooling type of his/hers pc in order to get categorized acordingly. In other words i could have used LN2 to OC a bit further my pc and submit a better result as an Enthousiast instead of Pro OC'er. Who would know it, right? That's why i reported your submittion, i for myself already removed 10 results of mine. If there is a problem about it, then please accept my apologies and i ask a moderator to erase the report.
  10. The goal as you said is to have fun but also to compete by the rules. As i have already taken down several of my results because of what other members reported for not having a photo of my pc included. Tell me stupid by i always play by the rules, even if this doesn't always help me not just here but also in life. No hurt feelings here, i don't want to start a war and i always like to give and to be getting help by fellow hwbot oc members.
  11. Nice but you have to include 3 instances of CPU-Z showing the cpu speed, the motherboard and the ram with your vantage foto or else it's not acceptable.
  12. I believe, this is the best this card has to offer without the use of water or LN2! Maybe a few more points if i OC my 8320 a bit more, but that would be the limit! Even at 1250/1600 it was silent and only lukewarm! Any ideas to further push my system to the limit without the use of LN2 for the cpu or water/LN2 for the gpu, woyld be welcome.
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