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Everything posted by vinzend

  1. sigh.. i dont have another HD4870 u know.. so what should i do? i cant submit 03 then??
  2. i mean, in the future.. it's a headache if it continues to be like this..
  3. ok hope they see this.. and please give me inputs whether i should edit my previous or leave it and submit this score again..
  4. is it valid? what should i do? edit my submission before or add this one and leave that as it is?
  5. yea i know.. but my single HD4870 before was considered as 2x HD4870x2.. but now it has changed to single HD4870.. ok so ive done re-bench and it's 77k..
  6. yea i know.. so because it is embarrassing to have 2x HD4870x2 scores like that, should i delete it or leave it and re-bench or submit another one? edit : now it's changed http://hwbot.org/listResults.do?userId=25231&applicationId=2 so what should i do? and how about the issue of 21x200 in win7 since 3dmarks show it as 4ghz? should i say 4ghz or 4.2ghz?
  7. yea i mean the number 2.. my single HD4870.. should i just delete it or leave it and re-bench?
  8. should i just delete that? since it's very ugly for 2x HD4870x2 to get that score.. it's embarrassing..
  9. gee.. so what should i do then? let them consider it as 2x HD4870x2? why cant i change my info? like it's HD4870, not 2x HD4870x2.. i wish i could validate my 03 through orb.. but i have no idea why it says im using illegal key or something like that when i use the trial version, the same as what i do to mark05..
  10. ok that's fine, i can still accept it.. but HD4870 to be 2x HD4870x2?? that's insane.. http://hwbot.org/community/user/vinzend?tab=submissions see the 2003 one which i used to get trophy for it..
  11. Hi there, I'm new here, nice to know you and please guide me as I'm a newbie here.. I have questions : 1. i was wondering why they changed my hardware without confirming to me? i use HD4870x2 and HD4870 so basically 3x HD4870 but they changed it to 2x HD4870x2.. that's not fair to compare 4x HD4870 to 3x HD4870.. 2. and this 1 is crazy.. i did single gpu benchmark, using HD4870, and someone changed it to 2x HD4870x2 !! you've gotta be kidding me.. no one emailed me about this to ask or whatever.. im so confused, i cant change it back now.. it's not fair having single gpu to be compared with quadfire..
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