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Everything posted by Damar.N

  1. ok..forgive my comment..edited by my self..
  2. hey..my processor wasn't intel Pentium LV 1.2GHz!!!..what's wrong with my submission?!?..i wrote it correctly!..
  3. wah..gak nyoba air cooling master.... btw..comment donk yg ini : http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2174685_damar.n_cpu_z_athlon_ii_x2_240_4270_mhz kurang apa yah?..
  4. wuah...maju terus masteeeerrr!!!!!!!!
  5. 4.4GHz..perfect!..is this for daily?..
  6. what????....that's invalid!!!...not 16 hour, 59 minut, 59.872s!!!!..BAH!!!..look @ SS..:swt:
  7. what????....that's invalid!!!...not 16 hour, 59 minut, 59.872s!!!!..BAH!!!..look @ SS..:swt:
  8. bro..gmn caranya itu bisa sampe vcore 1,152??...kok bisa kecil gitu?...whihhh
  9. pheeewww....let me breathe..very stressful..xP.target : 285MHz*13.5 = 3827MHz
  10. wow..my board not submitted..I forgot it..:swt:..my Board : Asus M4A785D-M Pro
  11. AWESOME!!!!!!.....wow..I'm so sorry for tormented Celeron D 347..ROFL..
  12. jelek bangeeettt...:swt:vakum dulu ah dr OC..
  13. good work pal....gw lagi gak submit dulu nih..)..lagi males..wkwkwk..
  14. that's crazy vcore & bus speed....:swt:
  15. what brand you use for memory??:-?..and...what is your air cooling??....i can't move to >3.6GHz..(same processor as you, but i use asus M4A785D-M Pro... )..can you help me??....:'(
  16. haha...bagus lah buat awalan......kl ada desktop pake desktop aja.....kali2 dapet 4GHz daily..
  17. bah..you again..:confused::eek::D:celebration::P

    nice to meet you again here..:D..

    hey...reply my PM @ CHIP Forum ID..:(....

  18. hi all .. I want to ask .. I do OC with a rig: AMD Athlon II X3 245 + Asus M4A785D-M Pro + Corsair XMS2 6400-1024 (dual channel) + AcBel 470 .. I just get 3483MHz .. HT link is at 258MHz (2580MHz). . with air cooling (HDT-S1283), can I get more than that?? .. oh .. I forgot something .. what is a safe vcore for these configurations?? .. 1.58v whether enough? .. thank you .. sorry on my english bad .... I use google translate .. errr...happy new year all..
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