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Everything posted by konsetsu

  1. No worries, I think people should be allowed to use whatever os they want tbh. I aint gonne reinstall on xp or measure anything. Im gonne just not bother with hwbot ever again. Thanks for the only actual bit of help i got off here.
  2. A : Im sorry k404 im just made the screen shot like everyone had told me to with the full sub test and now it gets removed again. ( i hope u can understand my fustration) C : well i was only getin 15k runs until i pencil modded the card, is that a bug in the driver ? or the app? or the os? Or is me pencil modding the card fine??? I appreciate the help , but honestly feels like a p-take. I've done everything u ask and now im gettin told my runs bugged.... If i was to reinstall from fresh and video this whole build/install/configure/bench would it be accpeted or fobbed off? (only reason i ask is in relation to post 5 in this thread) Thanks appreciate the HELP
  3. it was fresh install. Not bugged, also shows all my info that you require the sacred 5th post. Please just accept its a valid score. I mean for gods sake do u want a video of me doing this overclock to prove im no cheat? This is getting rediculous now. 19/07 [konsetsu] manual online submission 19/07 [(crew) Massman] impossible score at given settings, possible bug or other (GT2 bugged. Normal score ~ 100FPS) 19/07 [Massman] modified by moderator (Massman) - reason: trigger rankings
  4. what the fuck are you on about, i benched fair and square using a fresh install of everything. Is my score gonne be deleted daily and some new fancy excuse made up? I POSTED A SCORE VAILD< WITH EVERYTHING NEEDED AND STILL GET NO WHERE?!??!
  5. No worries, i got the msg 4 post's back maxi. Tbh i find it pathetic that you would chose to act this way. Seems's like sweet just wanted more time at the top to me - he has submitted new x800 scores in the past 10 hours. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL oh well..... ps 18.5k score for x800 03 up .... hope thats to your every need. http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2190868_konsetsu_3dmark03_radeon_x800_xl_512mb_18448_marks
  6. Well knopflerbruce MY CLOCKS ARE 439/560 the stock for the card is 400/490 HIS CLOCKS ARE 448/500 the stock for the card is 400/900 He benched using a q6600 @ 3816 mhz (4 cores , 4 threads) , i benched using a i7 930 @ 3892 mhz (4 cores , 8 threads) This is visable in the screen shots Please can some one actually look at the screen shots? I have modded the bios on the card so that the clocks would be locked and that is y my default clock on my card was at 440/560 instead of the stock for the card. On a side note, i know u love the 2d cos im battleing your opty times on socket 940 :>
  7. Fair enuff, will just re-bench n take my top spot back. So are all benchmark's now being gone thru or just one's where people wanna bitch for bitching's sake?
  8. disable post processing, too high score by mhz. and no subtest, mandatory in the screen
  9. Here is his x800 screenshot http://hwbot.org/image/191737.jpg and here is mine http://hwbot.org/image/554731.jpg Now to me , we ran the same test, on the same settings but i beat him fair n square. Am i wrong?
  10. Hey, I really dont know where to post this so sorry if its in the wrong area, but I could do with some help. I had posted up some overclocks on various x800 ati cards i have, and now im getting emails saying An hwbot crew member, Sweet, has been marked as 'reported by crew'. This was the reason the user gave: disable port proc., too high score by mhz or An hwbot crew member, Sweet, has blocked one of your submitted scores. It has been marked as 'not ran at default settings'. This was the reason the user gave: disable post processing, too high score by mhz. and no subtest, mandatory in the screen WTF is he on about?, i bench fairly, i have never cheated as its only cheating yourself. Also these scores have been valid on hwbot for over 4 months lol. He has done this to a few of my results, and the only reason i can think of is that hes hateing on me as he has entries in the same gpu tables as me. Please could some one take a look at this, im happy to re-bench if i need to just feel like this guy's taking the piss. Thanks!
  11. wow, i would love to know how you got such a big score with only 1 card.
  12. wow, i would love to know how you got such a big score with only 1 card.
  13. Chipset manufacturer: Ati Model manufacturer: Model: Radeon HD 4870X2 @ 735/1,004MHz Cooling: Air should be Chipset manufacturer: Ati Model manufacturer: Model: Radeon HD 4850X2 @ 735/1,004MHz Cooling: Air
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