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  1. It's good to see you back in the game
  2. Ticket ID: 1597 Priority: Medium Please add this Motherboard\r\nCPU-Z Link:\r\n\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=2513292\r\n\r\nThx
  3. One of those screenshots shown with faster lantency of 6-7-6-18-1T with 54tRC subtiming just incase you have missed. Luck? XP yes, but not with Windows 7 Here TrindentX with 7-8-8-18-1T 156tRC with 1684MHz
  4. That's one Windows 7 that you've got there. I've never seen anyone that uses Windows 7 and actually beaten Windows XP when it comes down to wPrime competiton. In the end, it's not the ram that played an important role as much as the CPU'S speed and which Operatiing System was used. I have the exact same TridentX that you have used...but no luck. Here is a list of rams with much lower CL and various rams speeds that I've tried and still could not be able to knockoff your score. Lastly on the last attached picture, even with CPU closest to target 4318MHz couldn't do it either. Ultra 676-18-1T 1600mhz 5.238 4316.79MHz wPrime32 8GB TridentX 10-12-12-31-1T 2260mhz 5.327 TridentX F3-2400CL10-8GTX 4315.34MHz wPrime32 x86-4GB 686-19-1T 5.327 RipjawsX F3-12800CL7-4GBXM 4315.24MHz wPrime32 x86-787-19-1T 5.327 RipjawsX F3-12800CL8-4GBXM x43 GSKILL F3-12800CL9-4GBRL 788-21-1T 1600mhz 5.327 RipjawsX F3-12800CL9-4GBRL x42+102.79bclk GSKILL F3-16000CL9-2GBRH 676-20-1T-54fRC 1600mhz 5.327 Ripjaws F3-16000CL9-2GBRH x41 + 105.3 Gskill F3-16000CL9-2GBRH 787-20-1T-54tRC 1900MHz 5.312
  5. Same here, 5.312ms is max for this clock speed. @ZKA17 are you using Windows 7?
  6. I got to hand it to ya! Even the fastest bencher of i7-3770K wPrime32M on air couldn't compete with that score. Congrats
  7. Very impressive score. Don't know if I can best it but I'll try.
  8. Don't give up just yet ZKA17. Those Dominator should be able to pull it through. Proof in my screenshot were using inexpensive RipjawsX. @Bobnova, hehe...for a movement I thought you might not coming back and let me be. Let's put it on!(slim chance for me though)
  9. That new 5.334ms score is excellent ZKA17. I love a tough challenge. It's time to roll up some sleeves.
  10. wPrime doesn't always report CPU's id properly. It's CPUZ is what you should checking on. Here is an example on one of the submission which wPrime also falsely indicated. http://hwbot.org/submission/2307634_xcero_wprime_32m_core_i7_3770k_4sec_609ms
  11. Actually, he's pretty good. I know cause he's one of my team mate. It's either doesn't want to compete or just dropout.
  12. Oh no! Bobnova is here. We're in trouble and fight for your life.
  13. @ Newlife, I would like to save you some elbow grease because there is no way the 4 cores could beat the 8 threads i7-3770K in wPrime benching. So don't tear down your rig. Thought, i5-3570 could be beat i7-3770K in SuperPI benches. @ ZKA17, that's a vast improvement you have there. Good job! I shall return tommorow with a new score. Cheers.
  14. Here is a tip. Don't try so hard stretching the speed of your rams when benching wPrime32. It doesn't make much or any of a difference. I'll be expecting you to beat my score.
  15. I just removed 2 sticks out of 4 for less stress. Otherwis, they are the same rams. Keep on trying guys.
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