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  1. Disabling cores did not help very much; I probably only gained 50-100MHz or so.
  2. Thank you * 3!
  3. Turrican, please the add the Embedded Pentium MMX 266 to the database.
  4. Turrican, could you please add these graphics cards to the database soon?
  5. I already have a picure somwhere on a HDD. I'll dig it up for you. Huh? You mean people will post results in the wrong category? I very much doubt that would be a large problem since these particular CPUs are rather unusual. Edit: Have uploaded the picture here: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/840/intelembeddedpentiummmx.jpg/
  6. Well, that is what I thought too until I ran benchmarks on them. The differences are larger then that. The drivers treat the GPU differently and their performance are are differnt.
  7. Sorry, I have not tried to use everest to identify the CPUs so I do not know.
  8. Yes, only those. and btw. can the tools (everest) etc. show the difference between those cards? (ATI 3D Rage II and ATI 3D Rage II+DVD) Well, in those screenshots I actually included three programs for identification: Rivatuner & CPU-Z only shows whatever that the drivers presented to them. Powerstrip shows GPU type + memory type & size.
  9. Is there any chance that you might add these old graphics cards to the database? I've had benchmarks ready to be submitted for over 1/2 year now.
  10. So you acually replied to this, I never never that until now! Anyway, it is a different CPU: there are both mobile & embedded versions of the Tillamook CPU. http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium/TYPE-Mobile%20Pentium%20MMX.html http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium/TYPE-Embedded%20Pentium%20MMX.html The one would like to have added to the database is the embedded version of the Tillamook.
  11. Okay, I will run this benchmark again then and use Powerstrip to shown the clock frequecies. I cannot do this right now though as I have disassembled the rig that I used for the benchmark being discussed here, but I will do it some time in the future. That being said I have submitted several other benchmark results in past where I was unable to use GPU-Z & where I have not showed the clock frequencies since I was not aware of that this requirement. I also have a few old benchmark results that I have not yet submitted (still waiting for hardware to be added to the HWBot database) that where rather difficult to run. I really would not like to be forced to rerun all those benchmarks too as it would require a significant amount of work (old, oddball hardware is easily 10X more time consuming to benchmark than new hardware). Also please update the rules so they do excplicily state that clock frequencies must be included in the schreenshots, otherwise how are people supposed to know about this requirement? Especially considering that for many of the combinations of hardware & software where GPU-Z fails, Rivatuner does not work 100% either and it is not possible to view & adjust the clock frequencies from within Rivatuner.
  12. Yes, but those features are only available when Rivatuner supports the GPU & the drivers that you are using. With unsupported hardware & drivers Rivatuner does not show much more information than I have made available in my screenshot.
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