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Everything posted by Alshva

  1. yes, u can... u are a fake! 1Mhz in FSB is impossible... in load off course you can have an increment of 1Mhz in core clock, but not in the FSB...
  2. Nice.... just get down the legal's ilegal score!
  3. yeah .... is only to question about the yamahar's submissions... both are legal.. but not the same CPU... just to clear that!
  4. Then the both submissions must have the same processor?
  5. First Loop of the video shows 6.583--- the ss shows 6.536.... this is only on first loop.... the next and the others are the same diference! that's a cheat!
  6. Frequency must be the same as the one used to submit the CPU-Z score.
  7. so simple.... the video must contain the 5 first loops of superpi!.....
  8. Seehhh.. pero no cambio de Hw desde la 460... la cual fue la primera que clockee!
  9. This was the reason the user gave: @ sam.v.60: no one cares about physx at 3DM03!!!
  10. tengo uno mejor.. pero la cague por que no encuentro los ss... maƱana organizo otra vez el pc!
  11. I don't want to create any problem or misunderstanding among us, i try to express my disagreement with the score u got , is not necessary to use the term "troll", i don't express all your scores are cheats to something similar, only that this is presented a bug in the operation of the vcard or afterburner's software. In fact you are not the only one, if you can see other scores in this competition as well occur in the link posted on your score. In a Latin american competition which is similar , some people are taking advantage of this bug. Sorry if there was any misunderstanding, and as stated in the rules hwbot, i try to solve the misunderstanding of a polite manner.
  12. Do u want a fake score like yours Take that... http://i54.tinypic.com/mm4o7s.jpg
  13. the afterburner don't lie .... it shows the stock frec... do a favor to us and delete that fake
  14. fake! show the afterburner's detached table dude...
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