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Everything posted by L&I

  1. Its ok congratulation for this wonderful scores!
  2. Yes its ok, it only looked very strange on me, but i saw that they are using different HW, so I think, the score is ok
  3. it seems very synonymous, but I don't think that they are using almost the same HW ^^ EDIT: same PSU, same toilet paper () and same SATA cables! Now it looks very very strange
  4. hehe pogledaj, ja sam cesto u hrvatskoj, zato jel su moji roditelji odavde. Moja cijela familija zivi u hrvatskoj, ja u becu (Austria). Ove godine na moru sam skuzio, da se jedan dobar prijatelj, (Ivan) cesto bavi overclockanjem. Pa sam pitao moderatora (Turrican) dali mogu napravit 2. account, za mene i mog prijatelja. Karl mi je rekao, da je to moguce i tako je to doslo Ivan je mene onda posjetio u becu i samnom overclockao. lijep dan vam zelim
  5. My results are online, please don't look at 32m :ugly: Win crashed after Pifast and 1m score so that i was not able to bench any more greetz
  6. Well done DomagojX, this scores are very hard to beat with S1156 , but it is possible greez
  7. @ perica_barii: second CPU will arrive tommorow. This one will be tested @ LN² and Maximus III Extreme. I hope it will have a better mem controller, cuz my RAMs are 2200MHz CL7 pretested @ richba5tard: Thanks, its an der8auer CPU Pot!
  8. Pretest on Dice, LN² @ Monday bad Mem Controler, not more than 1800MHz Thanks @ Ivan & Luka for their financial and psychical help!
  9. I am going to upload some scores maybe today or tomorrow greez
  10. Sve najbolje svima! Ja cu se isto malo potruditi
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