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  1. Why no validation? Why no points?
  2. Accidentally posted it as a GTX 1070 instead of a GTX 1070 Notebook. Please delete this submission. Thank you!
  3. 3dmark05 does not show score. At least my version of 3dmark05 does not show score. None of my 3dmark05 screenshots show a score. This submission should not be blocked / deleted. The submission is legitimate and was accepted. It isn't my fault that futuremark decided to remove 3dmark05 scores off of their orb website. The submission used to be there and was accepted. I should not be penalized for futuremark's decision.
  4. Please consider this data thoroughly. A single picture does not fix his credibility. Please consider: 1) His benchmark was in Windows 7 while better performance exists in Windows XP. 2) He has not submitted a single other 9400GT sumission. Why would he not take my other 9400GT medals from me if he could? 3) His CPU overclock is not very good and neither is his video card overclock.4) His score is not physically possible given his clocks and operating system. Please do some research on this and compare all other 9400GT 3dmark06 submissions. You can view my discussion with others about this issue here:http://www.evga.com/forum...amp;mpage=305 The discussion starts mid-way down on that page. Myself and others can only come to 3 conclusions for this obviously fake result 1) He has used much higher clocks and different cooling than he is claiming but lowered the clocks for the screenshot and is claiming worse cooling than what he actually used. 2) This 3dmark06 run was 'bugged'. 3) He has photoshopped the screenshot to show a higher score than he actually got. Please seriously consider this and look at the evidence. I think if you really dig into this, you will see that it is not possible that he received the score he is claiming.
  5. A picture doesn't fix your credibility. New report coming...
  6. Compare yours to mine: http://hwbot.org/submission/2257375_ 1) I have a better CPU clocked over 600MHz faster. 2) My GPU core clock is 883Mhz, yours is 750Mhz 3) My GPU shader clock is 2000Mhz, yours is 1875Mhz 4) My GPU memory clock is 648Mhz, your is 525Mhz 5) You have no picture for proof and no verification URL It is not possible that your score be so high. There is no way you can have a better score than me. I have tried to beat your score for months with all sorts of combinations of coolers, frequencies, CPUs, etc. There is simply no way. Take this fake score off. I can't find where your score is wrong, but I know it can't be right. I have reported this.
  7. Are you sure this is in the correct category? You submitted a PCI video card when I think you meant to submit it as a PCI-E.
  8. Hey man. Just wondering what your trick was to overclocking that Q720M. I suppose that you just happen to have a board which supports overclocking the CPU. But, by the off chance that you have found some software hack to do the overclocking, please let me know. I would be interested in overclocking the Q720M in my ASUS if possible. Thanks!
  9. Sir, you reported my Aquamark score as not valid due to an incorrect screenshot. You are correct and if you look at the screenshot you see that I have typed out why it is not valid. But why knitpick? I am the only GTS 360M user on this site with an Aquamark score. It isn't like there is any reason for me to make a phoney score up. So please tell me how I can screenshot the Aquamark window for a valid screenshot? Every time I try, it is just a black picture. Would you rather a black picture or a picture of the aquamark text output?
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