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  1. I thought people on here were supposed to have manners. Now a misogynist rears its ugly head. Was I supposed to be offended that you were attempting to undermine my gender? What are you, three years old?
  2. By the way, you have no right to talk to me like that. There’s no reason for you to try to diminish me in anyway and in a derogatory fashion. The ban hammer should come down strong on you.
  3. I watched it run. I ran it again a couple of days ago. Same score and I watched the test on my screen. You don’t really know as much as you think you do.
  4. Didn't get a cup for this score, BTW. I CHALLENEGE ANYONE WITH THIS CARD TO BEAT THIS SCORE.
  5. Still not getting my gold cups. I am owed several, And the points are still all jacked. How come I have 46 points for all these submissions yet my nonexistent team is racking up points from me? it seems like this gets straightened out from time to time and then it goes back to how it is. If you look at the top rookie, he is credited with every point he has ever made, while I only have 46 of mine.
  6. Can I get my gold cups please? They keep getting withheld...
  7. I was able to fix this submission. Thank you HWBOT Staff!
  8. Thank you for changing the submission form to now allow for indicating the number of active cores on the phenom IIx2 B55. I have since submitted a higher winning score that as of yet, has not been awarded any points. I indicated in that submission that 4 cores are active on the X2 B55.
  9. There is nothing wrong with this score. Having a mem tab open means nothing. The memory speed is clearly visible on this page. That is not anything I can effect on my end. Having this score blocked is pretty upsetting since I blew that rig and can't repeat my efforts with CPUZ open to memory.
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