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NL_THC_JOHN's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Nicely done..! Do u have custom Kernel ? Greetszz Clockmasters
  2. Haha nice hoor..! Weer alle gekheid op een stokje, die kaart nekt m bij mij op 648 a 975 en shader gelinkt maar klokt m vast op bepaalde frequencies net iets hogere of een aantal mhz lager dan dat je m instel met rivatuner zitten een soort stappen in waar de kaart optimaal op draaid toch.. Naja wacht op je mooie score.. suc6 iig..! hehe Greetss
  3. Nice.. Weer lkkr bezig iig.. voltmodje dr op.. heb ook nog 2 van die kaarten liggen.. Mooi spul..
  4. Nicely done..! Only not a stock cooling what u put in.. I did a 4.9Ghz on stock.. But this is a Monsterclock Keep up the good work..!
  5. Ok thank for the fast answer..! Yeah automatically would be very difficult.. But is there not an admin that is allowed to check it.. and change it.. For at least the top 20 or 10.. Not that hard i guess.. But yeah who am i to say that ghehe.. But thanxx Greetss ClockMasters
  6. Why its allowed to have like specifications that they are running stock cooler.. but have pictures with LN2 cooling.. Because i run like 4.9Ghz on stock cooling have the pics and validation.. but if i filter search on stock cooling and people above me use LN2 but have stock put in the fields.. Are u gonna fix this hwbot..? Its not fair.. But overall u do very good Job.. have to say that too Thnxx Greetss ClockMasters Netherlands..
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