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Posts posted by DeM03

  1. The system has to reboot after pressing OC Genie button before the settings are applied. You can see that Lapinoux pressed OC Genie button, then saved settings and reboot.


    OC Genie is enabled.


    ok, I understand, but there is something that intrigues me ...

    Maybe I'm wrong, but is it possible that the function OC Genie don't decrease the multiplier, while it seems to do it, usually ..??

    for exemple lapinoux get stock multiplier with i7 860 (x21) while every body have x18...


    I do not want to doubt Lapinoux, I just wonder questions


    (sorry in my previous post a made a mistake about multiplier x24...)



  2. hi,

    I think most of participant tried to cheat...

    And all forget to shut down computer before pressing OC-GENIE button...


    Maybe refresh or precise rules (shutdown before oc-genie, load optimized default in bios..) can avoid some doubts..


    Otherwise, I would like to know if it is possible that the function oc-genie can change the multiplier to 24, while it's supposed to fall it and increase BCLK???


    thank's for reading

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