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luches > S @ L @ R

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Everything posted by luches > S @ L @ R

  1. Great job mate. Truly the True king OC of iran ! you deserve it !
  2. brilliant Poorya . Thats one strong CPU. Nice work mate ^^
  3. By omitting the full country list, you took away a major source of motivation from the OC community ! Country ranking is essential to such community where people compete for the sake of improving their team's point as well as their country's ranking ! now there is no full country ranking and you have killed half of the fun ! country ranking is essential the keep the competition alive and running ! showcasing only the top ten is an insult to the rest as they can't see their progress and are quite at a disadvantage ! assume a country is aiming for the top ten and now they are stuck cause they don't know the ranking !! This is far from FAIR !!!! I request you to add back the full country list !
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