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Everything posted by jimwah

  1. Nice work Turrican, looks like you had some fun there
  2. jimwah


    Good to see some Death in Vegas in there, and some Smashing Pumpkins too - I hope you own the Mellon Chollie album too mate, shame on you if not! The Pixies sounds familiar to me but, and I've picked up their albums once or twice in the shop, but never bought it...hmm I may investigate. Giant Robot is a sweet name for a band, sounds like something I might like too
  3. jimwah


    Oh wait.. what's this.. 14 day trial pass to WoW. Don't suppose you're interested in that though I thought I'd do a list of some of my top music, but there's a lot of it - so here's a selection of recently listened to CD's: * Smashing Pumpkins (Adore) * Bloc Party (Silent alarm remixes) * LCD Soundsystem * Radiohead (Kid A) * Portishead (NYC orchestra album) * Hot Chip (The Warning) * DJ Shadow (The Outsider) And the list goes on, I've had to give up picking music to listen to, as I could waste an hour searching for something that I really want to listen to... so I just pick whatever is next out of the box & put up with it :lol: edit> multiple typos doh!
  4. jimwah


    I'll fire out some of my top rated computer games, or ones that have wasted a lot of my time in recent years anyway * Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising multiplayer * Star War Galaxies, before the updates * WoW * Guild Wars * Delta Force: Black Hawk Down multiplayer * C&C: Generals I've recently bought Supreme Commander, which is not really drawing me away from WoW - since I'm only ~lvl30 & a fairly new recruit. Get on WoW mtzki, we've got a good little guild with some Scandinavian guys & girls on there already Anyone who played SWG will know what a great game that was, I miss hunting groups on Dant; t's prime for a remake. Novalogic's FPS' are the best around (makers of JO & DF:Black Hawk Down), I might check their site because a new game is long overdue from them, Joint Ops is like a faster paced & more responsive Battlefield 2 imo. C&C Generals is the only game I've played through in single player mode, MMO games tend to hold my attention much better & thrashing other people is more satisfying than beating AI haha
  5. You could consider moving your scores over to the "Pentium 4 'A' 1.6Ghz Willamette" section (which I only just noticed had appeared, and is currently unpopulated) and get the golds you deserve
  6. Thanks Turrican, I've got a few more machines left to thrash so hopefully I'll get the big 50 and a bit over that too! This is getting quite addictive
  7. OK I've had a think about it & deleted the results I've put up so far, I need 50 points to be in the running for the prizes @XS (by mid-febuary) but I don't want to trample on what I view as a pretty amazing result from you, to get there. I have a 1.6 Williamette somewhere here & to be honest it's nowhere near as easy to OC as this mobile northwood chip. I hope a suitable section appears for me to drop these results into soon I left the Sandra result up for now, since you got me there & we're not getting any points for that one anyway. edit- noticed a typo
  8. Just submitted my Spi run on my Northwood mobile in the "Pentium 4 1.6Ghz" section, Turrican's is a better achievement but I've got to submit this somewhere to help break the 50 point barrier in the XS-Competition. As before, if we get a new section I'm happy to shift it asap.
  9. I think the first result is a Dothan with a time like that @stock clocks. Great job on your williamette btw Turrican. I've submitted a few scores in the "Pentium 4 1.6Ghz" section, but I'm not sure whether this is the right place for a Mobile Northwood like mine, in a place with largely non-mobile williamettes *shrugs* I feel a bit cheeky; I'm happy to move it if a new section is created
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