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Everything posted by mrlobber
Please, specify, when have I been involved in those "similar situations" in the past and how. People like "extrapolating" present events to the past where in fact from time to time I started benching together with Sam only less than a year ago (you can look up in my results, all those done together are marked as such in their description). Also, why is OPB mentioned here? All this doesn't have to do anything with him, at least to my understanding and knowledge. Or am I somehow wrong? As for the things which Gautam posted, I believe Sam still had an explanation for this, although I've never got all the details, I think. So I'm not able to put any more light on this regardless of how much I wanted it. Dedal and NeoForce supposedly are coming to Latvia at the beginning of December for some LN2 benching. I hope, finally this would put all this bullshi(f)t going on here to an end.
For the moment I removed the scores which are being questioned here. Actually mostly because of what Gautam posted roughly 24 hours before this post. I've never pretended to be a legend, and never will be one, and I still can understand some of the doubts on these scores as the hardware involved might seem exceptionally fast for a neutral observer. However, what I cannot understand, is this prejudicing by some persons coming to post in this thread... and this is the thing I believe Predator is talking about as well. Hipro, you've displayed this attitude the most brightly, starting from the very beginning with that "brainwashing" thing about me, developing it into "they're all cheaters" thing, and now stating you thought it from the very beginning. Don't you think that we might have our own life as well which you just boldly stated about yourself? I'm parenting my son alone, for instance - do your own conclusions from that. To Sam, it is even more funny, as he's still being parented himself But what I don't want, is to turn it all in some personal debate, as it seems this thread is slipping towards it all the time despite some brightsparks of rational discussion. Anyway, my personal hardware at the moment involved in all this, is that Asus motherboard which is at the moment used as my 24/7 rig. I can take it out though and bundle for travel to any destination it would need travelling to. Almost all the rest depends on Sam. Whichever way of proof he decides to be the best, probably will be the one provided. That's it.
Massman, I've always liked discussions with your participation, as you never seem to lose rational approach to any topic, thus, trying to stay as objective as possible. I'd love to discuss with you all this, and more in a live meeting whenever it would happen Perhaps I was too harsh in my comparisons, thus, to a certain degree (more than 50% ) I actually agree with your follow-up comments I quoted above. Then again, there are a couple of points I'd like to further comment myself First of all, my decision of quitting competitive OC of any degree, which has matured itself within the last six months, is mostly caused by an internal "focus shift" and some other changes in my life. Thus, the latest events (associated with scores, which I personally considered to be the final serious benches for me) in fact wouldn't have changed my previously made decision anyway, and I just used the opportunity to express my views of the latest trends in the overclocking world. Second, you're absolutely right in your comments about the fun part in overclocking, and I'm glad to hear that hwbot is considering moving to a different hwboints system where elite benches of older hardware would gain more weight as an award for the effort people have been putting in there (although note that the comment you said you expected didn't follow ). However, my personal concern with the "WR benching" is that today, as never before, it has become not a race of skills and "sense of adventure exploring never reached territories in hardware frequencies", but a race and display of PR events, with h/w companies using top end overclockers for their product open and secret promotions, organizing "overclocking events" where your application gets promptly refused as soon as you mention the country you're coming from, and other both "hardwarical" as well as " boxes they are trying to push individual overclockers into (as a more xtreme type of guy, Sam has been much more hit because of this attitude, although I wouldn't like reveal some essential stories without his permission). But it shows up in the forums as well with people crowding around Nehalem and Vantage threads, raving about "great skills" in topics where close-to-wr scores with a couple expensive videocards running on stock air have been reached, and so on. Low end overclocking has not lost anything of the personal objectives appeal which you were talking about, however, human is essentially a social being, and you want to share the fun you experienced clocking a particular setup or reaching a small milestone with the others as well... but if nobody except your local close friends is paying attention, you start wondering, is it worth devoting any fine tuning effort in this at all... yes, it's all about personal objectives, as you said. And last, about the better results being questioned... actually I don't see much difference between being accussed and convicted. Yes, as you outlined, it is there (technically), but in the overclocking world, with the accusations your reputation is damaged permanently (that is how I still see it, different people might have different opinions on this). And it certainly doesn't help that I've heard several behind-the-scene reasons how the animosity between XS and OCX originally developed as well as details on Sam's ban at XS which are certainly not the one-sided events as they have been portrayed so far. This small margin between accusations and convictions is why I do not watch competitive sports much anymore, for example. The tip of the iceberg which has been revealed in recent years with sports gambling and associated bribing impacting games in team sports, and secret doping laboratories working for individual athletes, outlines the fact that now you can't draw a line anymore where some nature blessed tremenduous talent of an athlete is involved, or if it has been boosted by underground chemicals unknown to doping control. Even though there are only handful of athletes caught red handed, you can't be sure of anyone anymore. I believe, the comment you quoted on Bolt's phenomenal records, is exactly on what I just said above. Linking all this back to high level overclocking, I see some astonishing results being questioned, and some not. If it is indeed so easy to fake them, then, as I said in my previous post, what hinders anyone who's smart enough of faking credible results with credible hardware frequencies? Even in public if cheat programs were to be run in background? I know, this discussion is leading nowhere as these questions have been asked numerous times before, but I still want to understand.
Hipro, thank you for opening my eyes to the thing how easy people change their "sides" based on things they think the "next morning" without having any evidence. To your knowledge, I've been an OCX member almost from the very beginning of that forum when it had like 50 or less registered users (even before the server crashes which occurred through the last year). Though, I've never spammed around much, and have always tried not to remain blindly one sided in conflicts which boiled around previously. You can easily see that if you look back around in the past. And I've never spoken with OPB even on MSN, not to mention phone or real-life meeting. Thus, he obviously must have possession of some transcendental powers for being able to brainwash other minds over disances larger than several thousand miles... Anyway, some of you have just made my final decision of quitting OC so much easier. In a benching world where multi thousand $ worth rigs dominate in Vantage (making competitive benching hardly achievable for people not owning their own serious business), and 2D benchmarks are the last-gasp-of-fun left for people which are neither millionaires nor directly/indirectly sponsored by h/w manufacturers, if a result which isn't even a WR, is readily called a "cheat", without any ability (because, as you say, "validations can be faked", "videos can be faked", "h/w clocks can be faked") to prove the opposite, it eventually doesn't come down to proof and logic, but some mysteriously driven belief of almost religious roots. This especially scares me by looking in the past when my country was forced to live under similar-principle belief systems for 50 years, when anyone could be named "enemy of the motherland" without any chance of proving the opposite, because, for the NKVD, MVD, KGB (whichever name that organization carried at particular times), the proof (even if it existed) actually never mattered. What mattered was that, using the classic Orwell's quote, "all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others", and you usually happened not to be in that "more equal" category. I don't see my place in such a world. This is my last intelligent post on the matter. From now on, I'll eagerly wait for the moment when I'm going to be able to put a big fat middle finger right in the face of several name-calling people at the second, when it will eventually be proven that these scores were not faked. Now of course, I'm expecting the same from everyone if the opposite were somehow "proven", and I would not be insulted by such an attitude then. Right now I am though. And by the way, so far it looks like for several people it is much more convenient to continue posting "cheater" stuff from their comfortable chairs than to actually try and do anything on that "public bench" to really happen. One more thing. Hipro, stand up for the words you said about OCX or take them back. It is fine if you have your own negative opinion on particular people (including probably me from now on), however, implying what you said about a whole forum / team is a different story. Yourself, I doubt, you would like it if somebody gave similar comments about the Greek team. And don't worry about my blindness, I'd have said what I just said also if you would have said it about XS or any other forum I've been a member of. Other than that, come over to Latvia this winter or next spring / summer (this is a general invitation not addressed directly to hipro). There won't be any overclocking championship or anything like that because, as a small market, Latvia doesn't interest any of the big hardware companies (moreover, they would want us benching 3D (read = Vantage) for PR, which we don't want). However, perhaps for some mysterious reason the companies still might find it fun to sponsor you a trip to our country. What I can promise, beer is really tasteful here, although myself, I prefer rum better, since beer usually gets me headache only. And with the economic recession in full speed soon, the overinflated local prices will be falling down here soon too, and every tourist will be welcomed much warmer than before. This is a nice and beautiful country, you'll see, and although bad people can be found everywhere, there aren't, and won't be any cheaters anywhere near either my living room, or Sam's place at the other side of our capital city, Riga. You'll see.
Heh, I even don't know what to think, especially youngpro's words. With all my respect to him for his past benching achievements, I guess, now for him probably the only bench worth benching looks like to be Vantage, because there you don't need much skill, and can run on newly sponsored hardware, the more pricey the better. For the Evo, this is kiwi's previous board. He can confirm it run for him in the fsb 640ish range. If you don't believe him, then maybe let us call every overclocker from Latvia a cheater from now on, and that's it. At least that's what youngpro already did in the interview for the overclockers magazine back in the day. Sorry, usually I don't participate in such discussions, but couldn't resist from flaming a little as well. Gautam at least logically tries coming to a point. First of all, this is not a lightning struck 4 times case. Guess what, why I put the description of Team Latvia under the scores? Because this is not Sam's only hardware, the Evo was mine, the Corsairs were mine as well. Now the lightning strike is 2 times smaller. Some more proof: A singlechannel DDR3 clocks validation on the Evo... not so bad, I think. http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=440599 A fsb validation: http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=440454 The E8600... oh well, I've got one retail sample - the only one E8600 I've ever got, which runs 32M 6400 dead stable. Now that would put me already on like top5 in the 32M HoF if I wanted. Damn luck, considering my usual bought hardware crappiness... but even according to probability theory in a long term something like this might happen. Well, Sam's one is even better... yes, it subsequently can run the CPU benches faster. Anyway, the next owner of this cpu (as far as I know Sam's intention to sell it) will be able to confirm it. Cannot comment on Biostar, as this is not my board and Sam did all the tweaking / investigation on it. That ghetto chipset pot helps though. Touching the past a little, for the 8800GTS...To my knowledge, Sam still has one of these two with him? Buy it, and see it for yourself. Now the EVGA board didn't want to run in my hands nowhere as good as in Sam's hands... If not for the corruption stuff (yes, even with the latest bioses), the EVGA would still be with me, and I'd gladly let it be investigated by those wondering about the magic. But I acknowledge my skill not being close to Sam's, giving the time and devotion he has invested in overclocking in the past 3 years, I'd say, on average 4+ hours a day lol. And it eventually pays off (although obviously also earning you a "cheater reputation" as well).
What's up with the Pentium 4 'D' 805 boints in CPU-Z?
mrlobber replied to mrlobber's topic in Submission & member moderation
Ok, just go it: global ranking points are awarded only for one score per user whichever hardware has been used, right? So, if I post a 6 Ghz screen with a Pentium, and a 5 Ghz screen with a Core 2 Duo, global rank will be awarded only for the Pentium score, if I understood properly... That would explain the 2nd point, well, but the 1st remains - a question of 0.4 points -
http://www.hwbot.org/ResultBrowseByProcessor.do?cpuModelId=740 A couple of things observed: 1. In CPU-Z ranking my score of 4931 mhz is ranked lower than Titons in points, yet in the ranking it is recognized as being higher http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=555174 2. It doesn't seem the boints are awarded for global CPU-Z ranking here? For example, maxxxpct's 6 Ghz screenshot ranks him top 30 in CPU-Z hall of fame, which means around 20 boints, doesn't it? Yet the boints are not there. If I have missed something important here, sorry for troubling ya