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  1. Ok, sry for rant. I just looked at those links. I can easly see why someone would run XP with crossfireX config and not put to much thought into it with the 2nd card being non active during benching. It's hard enough benching on a all air system with Vista. Thanks for taking action and appoliges again for my rant.
  2. It dosnt help? lol. In some benchmarks 1 x 3870X2 in XP is faster than 2 x 3870X2 in Vista. So it's ok to run XP, essentally disabling 1 card, but getting a higher score? Thats all I want to know, coz I can get better scores also if I do this. Just seems kinda stupid to submit as crossfire then tho don't it.
  3. Definatly run in XP http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=737539 Screen shot looks like XP http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=710118 Going off that it made me curious with the scores in AM3 with 2 x 3870X2. I got this run in Vista today http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=739727 , it almost 1/2 the score of the top 10 AM3 runs in this catagory http://www.hwbot.org/searchResults.do?direction=&applicationId=10&teamId=0&userName=&gpu=Radeon+HD+3870+X2+%282194%29&numberOfVideocards=2&cpu=&chipset=&model=&manufacturer=&minScore=&maxScore=&gpuId=1279&cpuId=0&chipsetId=0&modelId=0&manufacturerId=0&offset=0&displayAdvanced=false&countryId=0&dateFrom=&dateUntil=&minGpuCoreFreq=&maxGpuCoreFreq=&minGpuMemFreq=&maxGpuMemFreq=&minCpuFreq=&maxCpuFreq=&system=&minTotalPoints= Does the faster quad really make that much difference?
  4. We all know crossfireX isn't suported on windows XP, but I see results posted as 2 x 3870X2 crossfireX and in there screen shot it shows they are running Windows XP. Is this this ok? I mean I could run 01 or AM3 in XP with 2 x 3870X2's and get a way better score than having to use vista to actually be running 2 cards, not just having the 2nd card sitting there doing nothing.....
  5. Can I also have my old AM3 results checked / unblocked also then plz ? http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=716823 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=717312 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=718132 Chears.
  6. It's ok to still post the scores tho and have it come up as unknowen for the vga?
  7. Fourm posts here http://www.i4memory.com/showpost.php?p=87049&postcount=154 http://www.i4memory.com/showpost.php?p=87012&postcount=533 Cards are powercolor 3870 x2 and a Gecube 3870, 3 GPU in total. If I try to manualy add these how to select 2 different video cards? Thanks.
  8. Hi, just noticed this is listed at a 8800 GTS, it should be a 8800GT. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=701640 I dunno if it matters or not. Thanks.
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