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Everything posted by Olsen

  1. I have the same issue. When I try to run a reculaculate : Achievement 'Overclocking Baby' checked, but not awarded. Either you already had this achievement, or you do not meet the requirements. And the count for the GSKILL memory submissions is not full clear to me. Not got the 50 submissions, under my Hardware tab it show 92 submissions.
  2. Hello, pls add Intel Pentium Dual-Core G2020T cpu-z spec in the attachment or view on : http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Pentium_Dual-Core/Intel-Pentium%20G2020T.html thx in advandce
  3. thx k3im your run on air is as well a nice one
  4. Hi, can you pls add : SAPPHIRE TRI-X R9 290 4GB GDDR5 OC http://www.sapphiretech.com/presentation/product/?cid=1&gid=3&sgid=1227&pid=2091&psn=&lid=1&leg=0 thx in advandce Olsen
  5. sorry - not seen it, when I try to upload the results
  6. Hi can you pls add i3-3240 http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Core_i3/Intel-Core%20i3-3240.html thx in advandce
  7. hi Paco, autch - true. Make sence - shame on me - was to late yesterday evenning. ;-) Olsen
  8. Hi, I had submit a 8-core score with the Fx-8350 and then a 4-core score with a I-73720Qm (with higher points). Now is the 8Core score not anymore shown. This happen only on the 3DPM-ST ranking. I had upload 2 Scores (1x8350 and 1xI7) in the 3DPM-MT ranking and both are shown (Ranking View). under "My Submissions" both are show for the ST but not in the Ranking view wanted or issue ? regards olsen
  9. Olsen

    pls add processor

    thx for the quick action
  10. can the E5-1620 pls added I like to change my submit's, because they now show as E5-1660 - so show a 6 core and not a 4 core thx in advandce
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