For sale,
Being Ver 4.13 they are made using Samsung IC's -
Do 2666C9 easily and not even trying.
£120 inc p+p for UK.
If abroad then I will have to calculate price in euros and shipping.
I dont even know what is the better pair, never ever binned them.
I used them to see if the memory controller on my 4790k would boot up at XMP profile1 with all four RAM used without any extra voltage such as SA.
Then they went back into their boxes when I got these -
110EURO for your pick of boxes.
One box containing serial number ending 86+87 or the other box ending 88+89
So I got this,
£12-15 to send to Germany with tracked delivery.
Currency converter comes up with,
Approximately 118 EUROS.
Would you like to make an offer?
Run at stock, never overclocked.
£70 including postage if in the UK.
If anywhere else I will have to find out the costs.