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Everything posted by Bonis62

  1. V. 5.0.0 http://www.xstreme.it/SetupPCV5.zip http://www.majorgeeks.com/PrimeCores_d6327.html http://www.softpedia.com/
  2. Hello, new version 5.0.0 http://www.xstreme.it/SetupPCV5.zip Thank you
  3. PrimeCores V4.0.0 Beta3 *
  4. PrimeCores V4.0 a bit preview...
  5. I tried to include all possible combinations, if someone intercepts some combination not present or incorrect, please exactly inform the combination that is missing or does not work as planned, thanks
  6. http://www.xstreme.it/update.htm PrimeCores 2010 V 4.0.0 32Bit Diagnostic Benchmark Beta 2 - Release Date : 02/2010 Developer : Cristoforo Bonissone In V. 4.0.0 Beta2 math routines has been completely rewritten. In V. 4.0.0 Beta2 the routines are optimized for 32-bit system. (64Bit incoming soon) In V. 4.0.0 Beta2 now supports real 8 cores (no longer uses virtual cores) completely user-selectables In V. 4.0.0 (Final Version) will be reactivates the Save and Publication functions In V. 4.0.0 (Final Version) will add a screen capture function In V. 4.0.0 (Final Version) will be reactivates the System Information function
  7. http://www.xstreme.it/primes64.zip my first attempt...
  8. New Patch For V 3.1.0 : http://www.xstreme.it/update.htm
  9. New Release V3.1.0 http://www.xstreme.it/update.htm In V3.1.0 has been finalized the protection for results files. In V3.1.0 has been added SixView (external module for compare up to six systems) In V3.1.0 has been added missing Dll for FPPS. The old results files now are obsolete, please delete all old css files, with the current version, the CSS files will not be more changes. CSS2html is being rewritten.
  10. Hi Update 3.0.2 · corrected some GUI minor bugs. · corrected minor bugs of system info. · has been improved the balance of flow between different cores. · has been improved memory managment allocations. · has been improved the accuracy of elapsed time display. · has been added FPPS (External Module To Test System Stability) http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/Benchmarks/PrimeCores.shtml note :banana: PrimeCores GUI requires Aero and visual effect to ON - AUTO :banana: http://www.xstreme.it/libgcc_s_dw2-1.zip please unzip to system32 or Primecores folder
  11. hello, i'm writing a new module http://www.xstreme.it/pcore_module.zip is a multi-viewer with common index, before write final version i'm waiting your comment if code works correct please testing... T Y http://virusscan.jotti.org/en/scanresult/191765652c41d56f3e8056089d763387ca2ab796
  12. In v.3.0.0 has been finalized Mephisto algorithm , any new versions of Primecores will not change Mephisto whatsoever. In v.3.0.0 has been improved the function that informs about type of system testing. In v.3.0.0 has been enhanced Mehpisto, now reaches 55,394,685 primes for each core. In v.3.0.0 has added a poll routine to improve the multithreading data flow. In v.3.0.0 has been decreased the amount of memory required to run Benchmark (-30%). In v.3.0.0 has been enhanced the routine that performs results verification. In v.3.0.0 has been added external utility, that converts CSS files into HTML files.
  13. Bit Update the new link for the bug fixed version is : http://www.xstreme.it/webprco/pc2_01.zip or MajorGeek
  14. new release In V2.0 has been implemented function for check the exact amount of Prime Numbers found. In V2.0 has been rewritten the function of files encoding. In V2.0 has been better optimized search function of primes. In V2.0 was raised to 48 the number of cores can be managed automatically. In V2.0 has been rewritten the function of multithreading for better timing control In V2.0 has been rewritten the PrimeCores GUI PrimeCores V2.0 or MajorGeek
  15. PrimeCores 2010 V1.0 http://majorgeeks.com/PrimeCores_d6327.html http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/Benchmarks/PrimeCores.shtml this is a link to alpha version of file server, its display only verified results generated by PrimeCores save file function. http://www.xstreme.it/pc_online.html :ws:
  16. Hello, I have made available the official version of PrimeCores 2010 V1.0, you can download it by typing "PrimeCores" on major search engines , i open this thread for report any notices or your requests concerning this new application, the application is a multitasking benchmark that exploits the ability of CPU to search primes, PrimeCores can handle up to 24 CPU cores. Thank You All.
  17. news on site, tank.
  18. Coming days leaves the final version of the program, Many changes and quite stable, with the precisone of 98% on each test, with the self-test, are 14 Tests, each controlling a different aspect, every tough test 5 seconds, and counts the number of mathematical operations, Graphics, input / output, with database comparison Between own PC and another PC. With a soon Version 1.0. Bonis62
  19. Hello, I revised and correct the XS benchmark logic , found on the site a part preview of the final version, is not based on time, but now on cycles that the PC is able to make 5 second (per test).
  20. Release XS BENCHMARK V 0.99.5 Corrected bugs Xmem Windows added to the main board Xsmark corrected bugs Xbase corrected bugs Added request to save and upload Capture window corrected bugs Updated database Sysinfo Updated library opengl Correct several small bugs Update code thread Update web site and upload site http://www.xstreme.it : Download nuke.xstreme.it : Upload
  21. Following the advice of Darkmaster i performed substantial changes to the modules, for what concerns the internal validation of benchmarks, eliminated all possibility of escape by running test, set tests on graphics, full-screen, and test on windows without the chance to close the same, have greatly improved the ability to detect errors in the test calculation due to overclock too high, await your news, hello:)
  22. my test : v 0.99
  23. hi i'm use the normal Windows xp minimal gui for this beta, i'm work to 'glass' interface for final release
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