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TiMiN8R's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Sorry about that, I guess I'm not a very good shot
  2. Thanks, I‘m pretty satisfied, very decent speeds for pc5300. Just got 4 of these sticks for only € 18. This is using 2.65v. Your score is very nice too! http://hwbot.org/submission/2248367_sorry2_memory_clock_ddr2_sdram_692.4_mhz/ Nice target to aim at!
  3. Does no-one know the answer? Or maybe this should be in submission moderation? Anyway, I just counted all my submissions. I have 20 submissions for cpu benchmarks using Intel Core (2) and 5 submissions for gpu benchmarks. But only 2 are listed for the achievement and you can't see which ones they are. http://hwbot.org/community/user/timin8r?tab=submissions http://hwbot.org/community/user/timin8r?tab=achievements It's not a big deal but if it's a bug it should be corrected?
  4. Not sure where to ask this? Haven't been around for a while and was checking out my profile when under 'achievements' I saw that the Intel achievement only says I have 2 Intel submissions. On the page for the achievement it only says 'Use an Intel Core processor for 50 submissions or more.' But I have 5 Intel submissions for CPU-Z alone and even more for Super-pi and then 3dmark and so on. Then why do I only have 2 submissions counted?
  5. I have a few 3dmark scores with i946gz/gma3000 which had insufficient verification for ranking. I reran the benches and have edited the scores. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=801904&popup=true http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=801905&popup=true http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=802395&popup=true Also, I edited the memory timings from 3-3-3-9 to 4-3-3-11 but for some reason this doesn't get saved? Please check and reinstate score, TIA!
  6. This may be not be the right place for it and I don't know exactly how to put it. I see that there are a couple of different categories for integrated videochips that are essentially identical. For example, there is a category "GMA i946GZ" and "GMA 3000". But the videocore of the i946GZ is a GMA 3000 so they are actually the same. This way you get a really mixed up view of the scores. Same goes for "82945G Integrated Graphics" and "GMA 950". One thought on this is that the 946GZ is limited in FSB to 800 so although the videocore is the same it might me unfair to compare them to Q965 and Q963. Also, I've noticed there are a lot of 945G scores in the 946GZ category.
  7. Don't know about AquaMark but I got 988 marks in 01 with a 32MB model. Unfortunately, as has been put here, with less-then-legal settings. http://project-acoc.nl/timin8r/oc/TNT2_3dmark01.JPG Couldn't there be some kind of special category for cards like these? The card is in the database but it's impossible to get any valid benchmarks. I see there are a lot of recent results with these cards, according to the rules they should all be blocked?
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