I'm the xmp reddit guy. I am still really shocked your board doesn't list the 14 profile.
Was 4000 15-15-15 at 1.45v or 1.5v?
Not that I am ungrateful for this but I would like future reviews here to use say a 3 column table with speed, timings and voltage displayed. Just makes communication easier that way imo.
As for your last statement, Teamgroup is doing some pretty weird market segmentation with the upper tier RAM. The ARGB clone of this RAM was briefly sold on Newegg for $175 but either routinely goes out of stock super fast or it's being intentionally pulled. I haven't seen anywhere else to buy the flagship ARGB at all. The only way to buy equivalent specs is this Ripped kit from the UK
On another long and winding tangent I guess this XMP profile is the best you can get right now, especially for Ryzen. G. Skill used to have a 3600C14 Neo kit at 1.40v but it went EOL within months. The only reasoning I see for that is they couldn't get IC that good on a constant basis so they just pulled it.