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Posts posted by wanako

  1. Create a team ranking system which consists of an actual team. Real teams have a limited amount of players (soccer, football, rugby, hockey etc.).... start there.

    HwBot isn't FIFA, the site don't provide hw for a [real] competition, an animated gif cup isn't a [real] prize but motivate :)

    In addition, the site exists as a database and a place of meeting a little more complex, not all play constantly.

    I propose 8 members per team as japan seems to doing well with this number. 15-20 members seems a bit too much. A larger community with lots of members will have internal goal to compete within itself to try and make it to first string... :) Meanwhile if they aren't first string, they still contribute to the community.

    It's a good idea to restrict by quantity, or rather, it is better to change the concept of weight, maybe implementing something more drastic as a percentage of all team members.

    Now that we have a real team with an exact amount of players, it would only make sense that we have an exact amount of hardware (instead of all hardware ever created) that is eligible for points!


    Create of list of eligible hardware (100 pieces? 200 pieces?), why not start with the most popular for now.. there is no need to include your entire database for team points.


    To keep it interesting, modify your list of eligible hardware every quarter to include new hardware, remove old hardware, or even add really old hardware which would probably force the team captain to revise his/her team.

    But without losing the dbase/bot concept?


    The staff's decision depends on the delicate balance between hobby/competition and resources/manufacturers... and us we complain all the time :P

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