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Posts posted by animaN

  1. And I think we're now reaching an end of this discussion. Everyone agrees, let's stop arguing just to have fun. I accept one last reply from you, if you feel the need to have the last word :D



    Ok my friend. I do not want to argument... I hope that you will make suggestion to Gigabyte to ban maxmemm. Simple as that :)


    btw how old are you?


    If you work at a bank, you can also suggest the client to invest the money in fund A, but you can't force him to do so.


    Bad example. In this case HWbot is a bank, you are banker, and a client will do everithing you say because he is afraid to lose money.


    HWbot is a alfa&omega. It supposed to be!

  2. Indeed BenchZowner, as we added Maxxxmem without points to HWBOT for this very reason: to test whether it's stable or not.


    That's cool! But, not for competitions...huge mistake (not intentionally, I guess

    ...)... Unfortunately we find out how crapy maxmemm aplication is after competition...2500 Wow! That was easy...Run that again...and again...an again...Similar score...

  3. 1) At hwbot, we don't impulsively make decisions based on emotional reactions. It's normal that you guys suggest to do everything very quickly.


    Neither do we Massman... We talk about this over 30 hours...


    But, you closing ayes... That not fair play my friend!



    2) The benchmarks were NOT chosen by HWBOT. We have the platform to host competitions, apart from the hwbot challenges we don't make the rules ...


    Huge mistake Massman. In basketball that's call that traveling ;)




    Hwbot supposed to present overclocking and overclockers! Nobody can't tall hwbot to do this or that... Hwbot need to know what is the best for overclockers and always to fight for them!

    Ok, U guys collaborate with Gigabyte (read: money), and that is cool! Same as pcaxe.com




    But...HWbot supposed to make ultimate rules for everything about benching, not to listen others with less experience in overclocking! That is my point ;)


    Maxmemm is bad for overclocking is final conclusion. That we are trying to prove!

  4. ?


    I'm not following what you guys are trying to prove here? I think we all agree that the benchmark is bugging in some instances. Also, this is something we can't forsee when adding a benchmark ... it's only through extensive testing that issues can surface.


    Everest benchmark is not possible because there's not a single-score. If you want to rank benchmarks, you need a single score ... not 4.


    To prove?


    Dear Massman, for all good ban maxmemm forever from hwbot... We don't agree that benchmark is bugging in some instances...It's bugging all a time...That is clear as a blue sky...

  5. In comparison to the other scores already in the database (so not from the competition), the only reason why this score could've been possible was if the CPU speed would give a huge boost (others have 5.1G, here 5.5GHz). His first score was with the same CPU frequency and was not much faster than the others with same mem/unc frequency.


    Subtimings is not really an explanation. Everyone plays with subtimings.


    Problem is that this benchmark's producing bugged runs instead of crashing :(


    I agree Massman, PCAXE crew realise that after competition... But.... Jale00 and old other overclockers around the world will not be happy...

    For example, Jale00's Pi Fast is much better than the other guys in competition even on much higher frequency. If he know (that was the first time he was using maxmemm..) that was bug, he will concetrated on other bench software... It was run with others, and time...


    I am so sad for overclocking as a sport because all of this...


    Maxmemm has only 553 records...c c c c... Bad call if You ask me...:( :( :(

  6. It's not a same settings ;) He played with subtimings. I know that, because i was there and helping with LN2. In first run he used setFSB to make freq higher, in second he boot, and just increase multiplier. Somehow whole system is faster that way and better scalling that way...


    The real question is: If the maxmemm is so bugged software, how we can know that the first run was not bugged to? Or any other run??!?!


    For example. If I score 2350 in maxmemm, how we can know that is real score? Maybe is 2300 ;) But that "50" iz enough for victory! :(


    I realy bealive in hwbot crew, but this time i think that maxmemm is realy baaaad idea for importmant qualifications as "GOOC 2010 Serbia (ex-YU) Online Qualifiers".



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