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  1. I thought we were all hardware enthusiasts here? People really don't know what IGP is? These are technically APU's after all. I do agree benching IGP is kind of... odd. Literally never touched the IGP in my life. Will be an interesting learning experience for sure, just here to have some fun and learn.
  2. GG on 2D everybody, seems a lot of people held onto their subs until the last minute.
  3. It is possible HWMonitor glitched out. I know when doing Geekbench my HWiNFO64 glitches out alot and shows cores with a max temp of around 40C when in reality it's more like 70C. CPU Package does show the correct temp however.
  4. Too bad I don't have access to anything that would give a huge help with temps, just good ole fashioned custom water with high ambient temps
  5. Hey cssorkinman. My understanding is ice bath is allowed... Just need load temps over 20C.
  6. Has the lucky draw winner been picked yet?
  7. Good job on the win imreloadin.
  8. I think Win8 can only be used for % OC, not for Cinebench or HWBOT Prime. Any AMD CPU is eligible.
  9. Seems Deneb just fails at multicore? Just ran HWBOT Prime at ~4.5 Ghz with 4 cores getting ~2700pts. Then went 1 core (disabled 3 cores in BIOS) and scored ~1400pts. Seems single core chip is the way to go...
  10. Not even close to throttling. I don't know why but Deneb just sucks at HWBOT Prime it seems. Looking at scores for 965/955 my results seem to be in the normal range, which kind of sucks lol. Does the sempron have newer instruction sets or something? AVX or FMA?
  11. Didn't save the result but I think it was at 4.22 GHz. Score was around 2500. ~625 per core, not so great.
  12. Is there a trick for HWBot Prime using K10 CPUs? My x4 955 is scoring really low. Although looking at other scores for 955's it seems within the normal range. Why does Sempron score so much higher?
  13. That's what I was saying for the last AMD Rookie Rumble... No way to compete with Vishera in CB or HWBOT Prime with Vishera.
  14. If we could have our 8 core Vishera's running with one core per module counted as 4 cores then the scores would be much closer
  15. Sempron 145 definitely came. And conquered lol.
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