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Everything posted by BOBKOC

  1. 1. if I do not enter the bios at the first start after firmware = I will hang on the 99 code=AORUS boot screen 2. if I go into the bios and without changing anything, I click save and exit = I will hang on the 99 code=AORUS boot screen 3. if I go into the bios at the first start after firmware and turn off the E core ---> then everything becomes OK 4. Load Optimized Defaults or CMOS_SW =99 code =AORUS boot screen like https://community.hwbot.org/topic/210084-gigabyte-z690-tachyon/page/16/#comment-631759
  2. ↑ 3. F21 - don't have any problems, besides the absence of avx512? can you do it in the bios F21?
  3. 1. I always use first Q-flash plus & no FPT!!! 2. And what I'm asking you is the last option to get working X6f(it does not allow to enter the bios after Q-flash plus) 3. F21 - don't have any problems, besides the absence of avx512? can you do it in the bios F21?
  4. Can you make it by fpt version XF6 with avx512&CSM-on? because I don't load at all after Q-flash plus & it doesn't matter on 6900XT or 980ti.
  5. nope +no avx 512 option in F21Bios sergmann can you do it in the bios F21?
  6. F21 = no problem & X4b = no problem if start, X6d(512)=1big problem; X6d,X6f - I haven' t tried that yet all attempts by Q-flash plus
  7. it works(+-) after [F21+MEupdate16.1.25.2020] + [x6dZ690@default.bin(16M) by FPT with noME_&_save by FPT(32M)] + Q-flash plus(by saved FPT(32M)) & only with CSM -OFF if then CSM-On = it stuck on AORUS boot screen
  8. 1. Now, after flash by fpt - no problem to start & enter to BIOS ... but↓ a) any chages in bios(ex. mouse speed 1х to 3х) = stop on AORUS boot screen(99code) b) after, аny buttons(CMOS_SW,LIMP_Mode,RTY_SW) = stop on AORUS boot screen(99code) c) flash F21 by Q-flash plus it back to life again with no problem.
  9. no, i need miracle try to enter in Bios & CSM on to boot and after save&exit = stop on AORUS boot screen same thing with PS2 keyboard only & no USB not a profile but a bios like https://community.hwbot.org/topic/210084-gigabyte-z690-tachyon/?do=findComment&comment=629314
  10. +-? it stuck on AORUS boot screen(F12,Del,End) or after many ... many attempts to log in to the bios on AORUS boot screen&99code after save&exit. can you make a variant of BIOS from your 12system by fptw64?
  11. x4 = no x16 on my AMDGPU https://community.hwbot.org/topic/210084-gigabyte-z690-tachyon/page/14/#comment-629868 ask giga for the last time to add this(512) feature
  12. 1/ based on F21 or F20n? 2/ and what about avx512 version?
  13. F21 best bios for 2R(Dual Rank) ака 2х32Gb, +400Mhz on M-die vs F20n. waiting for Xbios&avx512 based on F21?
  14. Giga recognized the problem and solved in F20n +
  15. Flash both bios(1&2) by https://community.hwbot.org/topic/210084-gigabyte-z690-tachyon/page/6/#comment-618169 way.
  16. XT PowerColor or not? in x16 slot & x16 mode? &test(whenever possible) with 12***K.
  17. Bios(F20,X4b) in Auto set 1.25v(+-LLC) on SA. Besides, new giga Bios F20(now no b ) did not solve the problem on my AMD_GPU https://community.hwbot.org/topic/210084-gigabyte-z690-tachyon/?do=findComment&comment=629868
  18. 1. Similarly, if Δ+-0.5 ака 1.44 +1.39 or 1.46+1.41 ? 2. What are your mem training Settings(on on,off&auto)?
  19. 1. F6 not work on memory@7200 + F20b(& X4b) the best bios for memory&memory settings in contrast F6 https://community.hwbot.org/topic/210084-gigabyte-z690-tachyon/?do=findComment&comment=628407 2. X4b with avx512 & F20b no avx512 https://community.hwbot.org/topic/210084-gigabyte-z690-tachyon/?do=findComment&comment=628450 balanced score(at this stage) for me↓ +
  20. Yep, this was starting to get interesting. giga_z690+AMD_GPU_x16=??
  21. "my 6900XT work(in first slot x16) only x8 mode(when something is in the second x8 slot) on F20а&b & on X**(except for X4b), F6 Аll ok" https://community.hwbot.org/topic/210084-gigabyte-z690-tachyon/?do=findComment&comment=629089 "Z690 AORUS TACHYON&PowerColor Red Devil RX6900XT Limited Edition Problem 0. !! on F6 bios no problem with PowerColor Red Devil RX6900XT Limited Edition!! F20b&F20а or X4b bios no initialise PowerColor Red Devil RX6900XT Limited Edition in x16 slot. Оnly when I put something in the x8 slot then 6900 XT start working(x8 mode in x16 slot)." https://www.reddit.com/r/gigabyte/comments/ycgj2m/comment/itqo8fu/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 load defaults & other variation with no result. For this reason had to use |6900XT in x8 mode on x16 slot|+ |nvme over Pci-e x4 adapter in x8 slot| +|PCI to Pci-e x1 adapter in x4 PCH slot| ↓
  22. oookay, then https://community.hwbot.org/topic/210084-gigabyte-z690-tachyon/?do=findComment&comment=629089 + & no solution. sergmann, report (whenever possible) the problem to the Bios guys from gigabyte, + return the save bios option?
  23. in x8(or x4 PCH) slot work or not?
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