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  1. I found that the value of tWR is different in BIOS and HWINFO, which one is accurate ?
  2. Any advice on ODT values?
  3. you mean refi=256000, refix9=255 ?
  4. What's tREFIx9 for? What value should I set
  5. Green hynix a die is a bit difficult to boot 7800Mhz in F8b without sergmann's profile
  6. Which one do you recommend for 24/7
  7. Same settings from X7e(with your 8600 profile) won't post in x7o
  8. Can I use that 8600 C34 x7e profile on x7o?
  9. Amazing! Mine with 8000 C34 is still struggling in X7e
  10. Haven't found this "Power Down Mode" in my X7e
  11. Does gigabyte have power down setting ?
  12. How to set tCKE and tXP, any relationship between them?
  13. CWL=CL-2,is this right?
  14. Is there any relationship between tRTP and tWR?
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