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Everything posted by Rtxsupercase

  1. 1.35 now and it seems stable for vddq cpu. So windows seems stable now and I can restart fine, open programs but stability will not pass. For example aida 64 memory stability. It will run couple minutes and turn red .. what is the next value I should be looking at? How do you know that? Even though aida will detect hardware failure I am ok in the windows. It is stable
  2. This is amazing work! What really struck me is vddq sweet spot voltage. How do you know what is sweet spot? What do you look for? System boots? On my xmp 7600tg and z790 tachyon works great and auto voltage for: vddq cpu-1.45 vdd2- hwinfo 1.44ish max 1.452 What I do not get is vddq cpu when oc to 8000. 1.45 vddq cpu will not even recognize memory code 54 blinking but it is perfect on xmp? If I punch in 1.3 it will boot but seems unstable. Sometimes it would pass bench and I would restart system and will not even boot. I am little frustrated with this non sense. Also maybe my voltage for memory is not where it needs to be. 7600 TG stock is 1.4 for vdd/vddq 8000 oc I set it at 1.45 vdd and 1.4 vddq. It boots but like I mentioned previous. do you think this is too low of voltage for 8000? Do you have any recommendations?Thank you
  3. I can post 8000 but it is unstable. There is user here that is helping me get stable. He has good setting.. vddq cpu 1.35, vdd2 1.45, dram 1.45 and 1.4 and this is for tg7600 kit
  4. I get 8000 only if I raise vddq cpu and vdd2 cpu. Using tg7600kit.
  5. Thank you. I will wait for it
  6. Now that are look closer your dram vdd/vddq is avarage 1.5/1.45? Why would you say that you are runnnig 1.45/1.4? stock ram is 1.4 and you are running 400 mhz more by not increasing voltage of the ram just timing voltage?maybe you are running vddq cpu at much higher than 1.45?
  7. Yes f2d… so your dram voltage is 1.45 and right below 1.4? What is your vddcpu or tx. I can not see On the photo? I see vdd2 cpu is 1.47 so thank you for that. Care to send me profile ?
  8. So, my z790 tachyon has no problem running xmp 7600 team group memory 1.4v Auto settings are vddq dram and vdd2-1.45 for both dram is 1.4 no issues at all…. I would like to oc this ram to 8000 or more if possible but I am not sure what to try any more seems like 7600 is what I get. Maybe I just do not know what to do and maybe someone has good profile for this ram to send me. I tried keeping 1.45 vddq and vdd2 and raising 1.5V to ram to see if it would post 8000 but no luck. I tried lowering vddq and vdd2 to 1.4 and 1.43 no luck. I tried lowering voltage on the ram 1.45 and no luck. running 13900k 5.7 4.5 no issues… Again, ram kit is 7600 team group with 1.4 v stock… You can email me profile if you have good one and cpu setting do not matter I can change that. i am starting to think gskill memory would be better.
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