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Posts posted by JHawk

  1. Thanks TheMadDutchDude. I have been reading up a lot on overclocking with phase change over the past week and it seems very neat. I am a novice in terms of overclocking and realize phase change would be a ton of work but thought it might be worth it.


    I have posted this same thread on other forums with similar responses as yours. The consensus seems to be hardware is currently more than capable without extreme overclocking and it's better to have a bit more to spend on better hardware.


    As far as water cooled systems go I know I've seen closed loop for processors on newegg but I didn't come across any for video cards (haven't looked into them a ton yet). Do you have any suggestions for closed loop systems for nvidia cards or maybe a vendor who sells the cards with the systems already attached?

  2. I am looking to build a 3D gaming PC. I’d like to replace my entire system (PC, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse).


    My question is would I have a more powerful PC if:

    I bought less expensive ram/CPU/GPU and overclocked them with a single stage phase change system


    I just bought more expensive hardware with stock cooling?


    To anyone who suggests the single stage option would you please list any vendors/individuals who sell them or link to a guide on building one if you have a favorite.


    Thanks for any and all input. I appreciate it. Cheers!

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