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  1. hi guys my submission should be ok, am I right? thanks
  2. Ticket ID: 281 Priority: Medium Hi could you please add this cpu? Here the cpuz validation.\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=544861\r\n\r\nThank you very much
  3. those are the results http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=791733 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=791620 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=791792 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=792129 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=792127 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=792126 I have the same total score before and after the submission of these screen, even every single submission has his own score. For global boints, I know but I usually bench with old stuff, so no problem here Thank for your patience richba5tard
  4. thanks for your answer richba5tard I think this is a misunderstanding; I had 328 global points and 300 points in hardware master league before the submission on saturday. After the submission of the result i didn't received any global point (I have at the moment 328 points, like before); this should be an issue, i think. This is my user id. http://www.hwbot.org/user.do?userId=8690 p.s. my hardware master points raised from 300 to 312, and so my gold cup (from 56 to 62) a other medal Thank you
  5. Hi guys, sorry if this not the right forum area. I submitted some scores on saturday/sunday, and I received hwboints on hardware master league; I also received my cups and medal as always, but i didn't get any hwboints in the overclockers league. Is this a known issue? Thank you for your answer.
  6. Ticket ID: 131 Priority: Medium Hi could you please add this cpu? Here the cpuz validation.\r\nhttp://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=428413\r\n\r\nThank you very much\r\n:)
  7. hi! tested on an old pc with celeron lga755@2.66ghz prescott G1 1.55=171.968 s. 2.0 beta 6=148.187 s. if i can help with some test, i'm happy to do it. I can test with p4 s478, p4 mobile s479, sempron 754, athlon 939. Thank you
  8. hi! http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=703905 ->wrong videocard, 128bit instead of 64bit, 256 mb instead of 128. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=703689 ->same http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=703471 -> need more proof, no frequency. you already fixed these result three times Thank you
  9. again... http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=710651
  10. the result of 3dmark06 you fixed yesterday has come back... http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=703447 no gpuz screen and wrong vga
  11. Hi! i think these results are wrong (in the wrong categort): http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=703905 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=703471 http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=703447 if you look to one my result you see that the x550 xtx has 64bis but and 128 mb ram; that one of the other user should be a radeon x300 se, 128bit bus and 256 mb ram.
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