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Posts posted by sdougal

  1. Hi Guys.


    Unfortunately the HWBOT World Tour will not be attending the PAX Seattle event early next month. Despite our best efforts, logistical and financial constraints mean that it's not going to happen.




    The good news is that we intend to maintain our commitment to having two World Tour events in North America in 2017. Right now we are doing our utmost to attend DreamHack in Montreal on Sept 8th - 10th. Plans are not finalized yet, but we will confirm more details in the next week or so.


    Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

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  2. HWBOT is considering organizing an overclocker's meetup in a bar with food and drinks, similar to what we did last year at On Tap. Right now we just want to get a feel for numbers. How many people would be interested? If you're in town and want to attend, please let us know. Thanks...

  3. All Rookie Rumble contests are divided into regular Rookie Rumble (Intel only) and specific AMD Rookie Rumble contests. This month the AMD Rookie Rumble has been renamed the 'Ryzen Rumble' as it is designed for Rookies who are using the new Ryzen 7 series chips from AMD.

  4. Hey guys. I'm currently writing a short news article to announce winners. I notice lots of variation in the CPU choices, for example Pentium G3258 chips being used by a few guys in the DDR3 stage. Seems slightky odd. Any reason for this? I realize this is a memory oriented contest, so just wondering what is motivating the CPU choices in this contest. Thanks in advance... :)

  5. Hi guys... I've really enjoyed the OC-TV coverage of the recent World Tour events. It's certainly going from strength to strength. I would however like to share some thoughts from the perspective of a friend of mine, who actually joined me in watching the live Twitch feed of the World Final in Berlin last month.


    My buddy is pretty much the ideal profile for a person who could become a fan of competitive overclocking, and perhaps even an overclocker one day. He builds his own PCs, he understands hardware and he belongs to an online gaming clan and plays online videos games regularly. Watching the Finals however, he was quickly blown away by what he was seeing. The production level regarding stream was great, he like being able to see the BIOSes of each overclocker and was overall really impressed with the 'sport' nature of what he was watching. He had heard that people used LN2, but like this? Wow!


    The thing that most impressed him however was the technical aspects of the matches. Really, not all CPUs are the same? Different benchmarks react differently? Seriously? Cold bugs? Boot bugs? Memory training? A whole Pandora's box of really interesting stuff was unfolding before his eyes. We both sat and had a few beers and thoroughly enjoyed the whole stream. He was beginning to realize why some guys get hooked on Overclocking.


    The part he enjoyed most was the technical commentary from Buildzoid. My buddy thought he was doing a great job of explaining in layman's terms what we were watching, the challenges that the overclockers were facing and the story of the contest as a whole. However, he was less keen on the way the contest was hosted (no offense Trouff... you know I love you dude. These are my buddy's thoughts). I'll just say that he wanted more technical focus and much less Blue Screeeeeeen. After some discussion (we were, after all, drinking beers) he explained his thoughts. I guess his point can be summed up thusly:


    Overclocking is in many ways similar to other sports, F1 for example. Just keep to the details. Tell me what I'm watching. Expand my knowledge and my view of technology and I will be entertained. But please, keep it serious.

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