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Everything posted by before

  1. Thanks. Well, as far as I know bob is the one who gets the right contact for ES chips -> he grabs ES buying them on his own -> he sells them after testing, not only to team mates -here to pepinorang but it could have been to someone else actually. Situation here is quite uncommon cause if I correctly understand what happened, bob tested this particular 940 prior to give it to pepinorang but has already chosen it to be the one he'll send him. So is it HW sharing? It's debatable, isn't it?
  2. Why continuing then if you feel it closed? I offered you to stop but you still blindly continuing. So let's dive again into it... Right. No prob with you rights here mate. It would have been easier if you simply replied to my question at the beginning. Wrong. You took it personally, and replied consequently; blocking me. Then it was my right to reply. I've already written this couple of times; I thought that sharing the email I recieved was far than enough to show who I am. The truth is that I didn't even think about that, it was so obvious in my mind. Again, it's hard for me to believe that it wasn't possible for you to know who I am. I don't think regular team members recieve moderation related emails. I'm not complaining about hwbot in any way. What I meant is that I don't care about points or something related to hwbot rankings; and that I didn't try to grab points. I JUST WANTED A REPLY. Is this so hard to understand?
  3. We agree on the time wasting. But I do believe that the amount of wasted time wouldn't have been that huge if you simply accepted to talk on XS. Eluding is the appropriate word. Already replied. Idem; quoted; etc. Useless to continue this way. Generally speaking, I really don't care about hwbot. I'm just doing the minimum because I've been the mod for a long time. I've recieved an email about a deleted score and I've simply asked you why... but apparently it was too much. If you agree, I think we can stop here as it'll go nowhere.
  4. Humm ok then. I was sure about the contrary. idem You aren't talking about the same thing. Actually, it's more likely a growning in feelings: you took it personally, using a very personal way to react, and I took your reaction as something personal. You're playing with words, aren't you? lol "you attacking me" is what you wrote... Anyway, by blocking your pms on XS is probably what witnessed the most about your feeling. Wrong. I'm using the same name. Nothing about drama; no need to take big words; I've asked you a question, you eluded it, blocked me from being able to reply. That's all. Then, I've done what you told me to do; I've written it here. But again, it would have been far easier to just show me the screenshot before... Let me do it... "May I ask you who are?" if you really didn't know me. "I would have reply; "I'm the moderator blabla"; and you would have shown me the screeny... and then Eureka! woa Everything could have been kept private, whitout any hard feeling. Why do you feel the need to insult me? idem I've checked it and here's what I saw. Perhaps it's all about misunderstanding.
  5. lol The whole way was childish. Replying and then blocking you pms quickly after is childish. Period. Sorry to say. Then, as an hwbot moderator, I hardly believe that with a copy of the email I sent you; it was quite easy for you to conclude about who I am... I still feel it hard to believe that it wasn't possible for you to know you I am... but well; nevermind. Sorry for not having precised that I'm the moderator of bob & pepin's team. I thought it was very easy for you to know that, at least by reading the email I sent you. I mean sending you a copy of this mail was IMHO exactly the same as saying "I'm the mod of bob & pepin's team". Did I? On common, I've only pleased you to justify why you deleted an entry; nothing about personal attack or something like that. Is it so embarassing for you to give a justification? Then you took it personally. Honeslty, I'm sorry if you took me the wrong way, I've never meant to be rude. Anyway, I'm sorry to say; but justifying what you do isn't insulting. Stop there mate. I had no choice, you let me no choice by blocking your mp on XS... What happening isn't my own fault. A simple reply on XS would have avoid everything. If I posted here is only because you didn't let me replying on XS. I guess I've already reply to this. PERFECT! That's exactly what I asked for... Thanks! you took it personally mate. That's what you wrote. No I didn't know that cause they both bought several 940. So it was unclear to me which CPU it was. Don't care about writing you here or on XS; I just tried to contact you and XS is where I'm use to spend more time. I don't see where's the matter... really.
  6. Sorry to post this here like that, sorry if I'm not in the appropriate section, but jmke has been so childish that I have not choice but doing it: aggressive/disrepectful reply + blocked pm on XS. Furthermore, he told me to post the problem here. Ok, here we go. Actually, I don't want to loose more time with all this; to be honest I don't care about hwbot (so I don't wanna grab points or something; I don't care about that, but only about justice). I have been a team moderator for quite a long time now, I asked jmke (who deleted an entry of a guy of my team) to please justify himself and to provide me with some kind of proof (he apparently did so according to something said by SS... ok then, who's SS? why believing what he said?). Is it unlegitimate to ask? and here's the stuff... I think i've been very respectful. Is it too much to expect the same in return? Apparently, it was... REPLY IS MY MOST FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT. Hey mate calm down please I could even more reasonability return this question to you. I'm the moderator of boblemagnifique and pepinorange's team; and recieved this message by email. But do I really need to precise that? Sounds bit too much. Now, apparently because you're taking it personnaly, I assume the matter isn't with hwbot but with YOU -anyway I do believe this has nothing to do with hwbot-. So that it makes no sense to post this in hwbot forums. Also, you're an adult, right? So I assume that you can reply without eluding questions and being disrespecful, can't you? Well, I PLEASED you to justify why you deleted boblemagnifique entry? YOU (not hwbot) wrote that boblemagifique used pepinorange's i7 940, didn't you? Then could you please justify yourself? I mean by deleting this entry you acted has being absolutely certain about this fact. Ok then, could you please tell me why you are so sure? Oh comon, is it too difficult to reply?
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