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Everything posted by Metro

  1. got the same message
  2. I know that but what if my score is 300 and i want to se colse resultas, i'll have to click 15 times to get there
  3. For example i have 95.000 marks on 3dmark01 and i would like to know how many points and ranking that i will get if i upload the result.
  4. I looked on the profile but couldnt find anything, is there a way to set at 50 the number of entries after a search? Regards
  5. Hey Guys, 1st great idea to make hwbot I registered a couple of days ago trying to get more accurate results to compare than futuremark, because there were some fishy results, to my surprise you have them also here. Could you please check results from the user Couppi with single 7900GS 3dmark03: http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=578065 3dmark05 http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=577895 He has already been blocked on 3dmark06, look at the other top scores they have much better CPU speed, GPU speed and Vmem speed, and they are far from him. I would also recommend to verify all top scores and hall of fames Reards
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